Year 1-35

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-Trigger Warning-

"Would it be easier for you if I use legitimacy?" Professor Snape asked, seeing that she looked unable to continue.

"I don't think you would want to see, but if you want." She replied.

"Think of the memory, I know it's hard- but it will save you having to tell me." Cassiopeia thought of the memory and she felt him enter her mind. She saw the memory flash before her eyes. She saw the faces of the family, she saw him ask her to torture the girl, he then used it on Cassiopeia. She saw him torture the girl and then kill her. She then saw herself torture the boy twice, followed by the order of her father to kill him. She heard the ultimatum and then saw her raise the wand to him. She heard the words leave her lips and then saw the light leave the boy's eyes after hearing his scream, along with the screams of the remaining family. The scene then flashed to William's proud face and then the conversation with Ara the following day. Making sure not to show him her self-harming.

At that point Professor Snape exited her mind and looked to the girl. She was still crying and struggling to breathe, she was expecting him to be afraid of her but instead he wrapped his arms around the crying girl. She hugged him back, and they sat there for a moment.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Cassiopeia asked with a small voice. Professor Snape pulled away from the hug and held Cassiopeia by her shoulders and looked into her eyes.

"No, what Ara said to you. Do you remember it?" He asked. Cassiopeia shook her head, too emotional to try to remember. "She said that you may have taken a life but you saved more. You saved the rest of that family, you are the reason that they are still alive."

"But I'm the reason the boy is dead." She sobbed.

"Don't dwell on that part. Yes, it will haunt you, but you need to then remember the family. You need to remember that you saved them. Can you do that for me?"

"I can try." She replied with a small smile.

"Good. Can I ask you another question?" He asked.


"At the beginning of your story you said that your parents, well who you thought were your parents, were killed. Why did you think they were your parents?" He asked.

"The woman that died was my mother, but the man was my step-father, not my birthfather." She explained.

"What were the names of your mother and father?" He asked, but she looked to the floor.

"You'll be afraid of me." She said in a small voice.

"No, I won't. I just saw you kill someone. There's nothing worse than that." He reasoned.

"My mother's name was Amanda Lewis. My father's Tom Riddle." She said with a small flinch.

"Why would I be scared of you for that?" He asked.

"Do you know who Tom Riddle is?" She asked.

"No, should I?" He asked and Cassiopeia nodded. "Well, who is he then?"

"His more common name, is Lord Voldemort." Professor Snape gasped again. And looked at the girl, she was trying to avoid his gaze but he lifted her chin so she would look at him.

"That would make you Evangeline Zoe Riddle. My goddaughter, correct?" Cassiopeia nodded "Well, nice to meet you." he said with a chuckle extending his hand. Cassiopeia laughed and shook his hand. They looked out to the lake again, and sat in a comfortable silence. After a while, the Professor broke the silence.

"I want you to know, that I'm proud to have you has a goddaughter." Cassiopeia smiled at him. "I also want to thank you for trusting me, and I further want you to know that I will not tell anyone of what we have spoken of today- not even Professor Dumbledore. If he asked what we spoke about I will say that your grandfather died, but you will have to go along with that story, okay?"

"Thank you."

"Now, shall we go back to the castle? We could grab some food from the kitchens, as I think the feast would be over now. Perhaps a hot chocolate?" He offered.

Cassiopeia nodded at him, she grabbed her bag- that she had thrown on the ground- and together they walked to the castle. As they approached the lining of the forest, Professor Snape saw Cassiopeia tense up, he reached for her hand and gave it a re-assuring squeeze. They kept holding hands as they walked to the castle, and at this moment Cassiopeia thought to herself 'This is what a father is like'.


Thanks for reading


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