Year 1-39

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With this Professors McGonagall and Snape left the hospital wing and walked to Professor Dumbledore's office, as they entered, they saw Professor Dumbledore sitting there.

"Minerva, Severus, how can I help?" The old man asked.

"Something happened, we need to talk to you." Professor Mcgonagall told him.

"Is it serious?" He asked.

"Yes." Professor Snape replied.

"Which student?" Professor Dumbledore asked.

"Cassiopeia Reid." Professor McGonagall said. Professor Dumbledore turned to the Professors.

"Would it be easier for you to tell me or shall we use your memories?" He asked them.

"I feel memories might be best, you need to see it" with this she rose her wand to her head and pulled out a string of silver. She put it in a vial and handed it to the professor.

Professor Dumbledore pulled out a pensive and poured the memories into it. He swirled his hand over the liquid and then gestured for Professor Snape and McGonagall to join him. One by one they put their heads into the liquid and they landed in her memories.

Together they watched the memories, from the moment when Mr Filch found the Professor, to when she spoke to Madame Pomfrey in the hospital wing. Once they had watched the memories they remerged into the Headmaster's office. Both had no words.

"What does this mean, Albus?" The Proffesor asked him.

"I'm not sure. It seems that there may be a connection between herself and Harry, maybe." The two looked shocked to him, "However, I cannot tell how or why. What do we know about Ms Reid?"

"Her mother and father are William and Ara Reid, and her sister is Lyra Reid. We don't really know anything else, I mean we don't even know her middle name, or her birthday." Professor McGonagall answered.

"Peculiar, Severus. The day that the students came back to school you followed her into the forest. What happened?" Professor Dumbledore asked the Slytherin.

"I found her crying by a lake. I approached her and asked what was wrong, and why she could see the Thestrals. She told me that her grandfather had died over the holidays. I attempted to use legitimacy, but her occlumency was too strong." The Professor lied.

"I see. Well seeing her grandfather die would make her see the thestrals. I feel there is something we are missing. I shall notify her parents of the situation, welcoming them here to see Ms Reid. And then in the morning myself and Severus will speak to her, and maybe we could find out about the enchantment on the bandage, for now let us leave her to rest." Professor Dumbledore replied calmly. "Minerva, you should go and tell Poppy that when Ms Reid awakes, we will speak to her."

"Yes, Albus." With that the two Professors left the office and went to sleep. Professor Snape felt a bit guilty for hiding her secrets, but knew that he couldn't break his word with his goddaughter. He went to sleep worrying for the girl.

When the two Professors left the office Professor Dumbledore began to write a letter to Mr and Mrs Reid, explaining some of the situation. He also offered them to come and see her, hoping that they would comply so that he could see the relationship between the three.


The following morning Professor Dumbledore received a reply from the Reid parents, and they said that they would be there that morning. Professor Dumbledore calls Professor Snape into his office and tells him of the expected visitors. Together they awaited their arrival.


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