Year 1- 46

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"You?" Harry asked, and Professor Quirrell turned around to face him. "No, it can't be. Snape he-"

"Yes, he does seem the type doesn't he." Quirrell replied, in a voice different from his usual. "Next to him, who would suspect p-p-poor s-s-stuttering P-professor Quirrell?" He said, mimicking his usual voice at the end.

"But that day at the Quidditch Match, Snape tried to kill me." Harry said.

"No, he didn't. Harry, he was saving your life. Muttering a counter curse." Cassiopeia said, both heads snapped towards her.

"Yes, very good, Reid. I knew you were a danger to me, right from the off, especially after Halloween."  Quirrell said.

"Then you let the troll in?" Harry said.

"Very good, Potter. Yes. Snape, unfortunately wasn't fooled. While everyone was rushing around the dungeons, he ran straight to the third floor to head me off. He never trusted me again, and he also managed to get a student to lie to her friends." Quirrell said, Cassiopeia's eyes widened. "Tell me, Reid. How's the leg? Why don't you tell Potter the truth, how you followed Snape from the hall and came to the third floor. Only to be attacked by Fluffy. Although I must thank you, you did give me a chance to escape from Snape." Harry turned to Cassiopeia.

"You lied to us?" Harry asked her, shocked. She nodded.

"I had to, he is keeping my secret so I returned the favour and kept his." Cassiopeia said.

"What secret?" Harry asked.

"It doesn't matter. Harry, please, I didn't want to lie but I felt obliged to." Cassiopeia said.

"It's okay, I forgive you." Harry said, Cassiopeia smiled at him- he returned the smile. Quirrell looked annoyed that he hadn't managed to create a wedge between the two. Quirrell turned to the mirror, and Harry and Cassiopeia both began to hold their scars and wince in pain. Harry's eyes widened when he saw Cassiopeia doing the same, but she took no notice.

"After that, Snape never left me alone. But he doesn't understand, I'm never alone." Quirrell said. "Now, what does this mirror do? I see myself holding the stone. But how do I get it?"

"Use the boy" A raspy voice said, filling the room.

"Come here, Potter." Quirrell demanded, but Harry didn't move. Quirrell smirked. He clicked his fingers and ropes suddenly began wrapping themselves around Cassiopeia. "Come here, Potter. Or watch her die." He said, Harry's eyes flicked to Cassiopeia as he walked closer to the mirror. He looked in the mirror and saw himself pulling the stone out of his pocket. He then felt something in his pocket and gasped, he had the stone in his pocket. "What do you see?" Quirrell asked.

"I'm shaking hands with Dumbledore, I've won the house cup." Harry replied.

"He lies" The voice said.

"Tell the truth, what do you see?" Quirrell yelled, while simultaneously tightening the ropes around Cassiopeia. She cried out in pain and Harry looked to her. She shook her head at him, telling him not to give up the stone.

"Let me speak to him." The voice said.

"Master, you are not strong enough." Quirrell says.

"I have strength enough for this." The voice responded. Quirrell nodded and he clicked his fingers, letting Cassiopeia fall to the floor while he unwrapped his turban. Harry ran over to Cassiopeia and helped her up. When they looked back, they saw Voldemort on the back of Quirrell's head.

"Harry Potter, we meet again." Voldemort said.

"Voldemort." Harry said.

"Yes. You see what I've become. See what I must do to survive, live off another and be a parasite. Unicorn blood can sustain me but it cannot give me a body of my own. But there is something that can, something that conveniently enough lies in your pocket." Voldemort said, Harry then attempted to run away, pulling Cassiopeia with him. "STOP HIM!" Voldemort yelled, and Quirrell clicked his fingers and there was fire blocking the way.

"Don't be a fool, why suffer a horrific death when you can join me and live." Voldemort said.

"NEVER!" Harry shouted.

Voldemort coldly laughed, "Bravery, your parents had it too. Tell me, Harry, would you like to see your mother and father again? Together we can bring them back, all I ask is for something in return." Harry reached down into his pocket and took out the stone. "That's it, Harry. There is no good and evil, there is only power, and those too weak to seek it. Together we'll do extraordinary things, just give me the stone!"

"YOU LIAR!" Harry shouted.

"KILL HIM!" Voldemort shouted. Quirrell then flew towards Harry and put his hand around his throat. Harry fell back onto the steps and the stone flew out of his hand. While Quirrell was strangling Harry, Cassiopeia then rushed to the stone, she grabbed it and then Quirrell's attention was on her. He jumped off of Harry and wrapped ropes around him, Quirrell slowly approached her.

"Give me the stone." Quirrell said to her. Cassiopeia looked to Harry, he was clearly in pain. She turned to Quirrell and smirked. She closed her eyes and felt herself become powerful, she opened her eyes and saw that she was glowing- the others were watching her with jaws dropped.

"You will not harm my friend." Cassiopeia said, her voice dangerously low. She then screamed and a powerful surge of magic sent Quirrell flying backwards and this distraction had Harry released from the ropes. She ran up to him and gave him the stone, "You okay?" He nodded to her. But then she felt a hand grab her, and she was being strangled by Quirrell. She was completely struggling to breath, and black spots clouded her vision. She could just hear the faint voice of her friend.

"Leave her alone!" Harry exclaimed.

"Leave her alone, Quirrell. Our target is him." Voldemort said, this shocked Harry but he was then suddenly being strangled instead. He then grabbed Quirrell's hand and it began to disintegrate.

"What is this magic?" Quirrell asked Voldemort, looking at his hand.

"Fool, get the stone!" Voldemort replied. Quirrell then attempted to run at Harry but Harry put his hands onto his face, and it began to disintegrate also, until Quirrell was just a pile of ashes on the floor. Harry ran to the stone and then Cassiopeia, he saw that she was unconscious but before he could do anything else, he heard a whispering sound. He turned to see the spirit of Voldemort leaving Quirrell's body, it flew through Harry, making him fall back and hit is head on the stairs. He fell unconscious too.


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