Year 1- 7

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Cassiopeia found an empty compartment and chose to sit there as she was never very good at talking to people, even at the 'pure-blood balls' (which are balls that happen every year on boxing day and all the great 'pure-blooded' families attend) she struggles to make friends.

She sat down and began to look out the window at all the families hugging goodbye, this sight truly made her miss her parents. She fiddled with her parents' rings around the chain, as she began to feel the tears welling up in her eyes, but she blinked them away. Her train of thought was interrupted by a knock on her compartment door, she quickly put the chain under her shirt and put on an emotionless face, and turned to see the boy from the robe shop.

"Do you mind if I sit in here?" He asked.

"Of course." She tried to make herself sound happy but failed, the boy looked to her with a slight bit of pity, but then it changed to a friendly look.

"I'm sorry if I made you cry, I didn't mean to. I can leave." He got up to leave but Cassiopeia grabbed his hand, stopping him from leaving. He turned to her.

"It's not you, I'm sorry. I was thinking about something. Please sit down."

"Okay. I'm Harry, by the way, Harry Potter." At this Cassiopeia was shocked that she had just met the Boy Who Lived, the boy who stopped He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, this was the boy she shared her wand core with. But Cassiopeia knew that many would be gawping at him, due to his past, so she decided to act as though he was a normal person that she just happened to meet. Although she did find it strange that she had just met the boy that shares her wand core, but she decided not to mention it. She just shook his outstretched hand.

"Nice to meet you, Harry. I'm Cassiopeia Reid." She greeted.

"Did you want to talk about what made you cry?" He asked, as he leant back against the seat.

"No, it's alright. It was something silly. I can't change it." She said with an emotionless face and a shrug of the shoulders.

"Okay, well if you do need to talk. I'm here." He said with a friendly smile.

"Thank you." Cassiopeia was truly grateful of Harry, as he is a stranger to her and has now become her first friend. He smiled at her and she returned the smile slightly. However, she wasn't sure why she didn't just tell him that she missed her parents, as she knew that he must be missing his also, as they had lost their parents in the same week (as hers was the day before Voldemort turned his force to Harry's family), but then she remembered what William had told her. Cassiopeia leant back into her chair and she then went searching through her bag for a book. Cassiopeia then looked up to hear a boy knocking on the compartment door, she noticed that it a Weasley- the young ginger-haired boy from the platform and the ice-cream shop.

"Do you mind? Everywhere else is full."

"Not at all" replied Harry gesturing to the seat next to him, while Cassiopeia just nodded to him. The boy looked warily at the girl, as he had seen- or thought he had seen- the whole punishment that she received from her father from just looking at a Weasley, and now she was going to talk to her. The boy turned to the girl.

"Are you sure you're okay with me sitting here?" At this Harry looked shocked at the girl, as for now he didn't understand why Cassiopeia would not be okay with him sitting there.

"I'm sure." She said with a nod. Harry was still confused but chose to ask one of them later. The ginger-haired boy sat next to Harry.

"I'm Ron, Ron Weasley." He extended his hand to Cassiopeia.

"Cassiopeia Reid." Cassiopeia returned, but remained expressionless, and shook his hand, he then turned to Harry- arm extended.

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter." Ron stared at the boy wide-eyed.

The Girl Who Had No Escape [1]Where stories live. Discover now