Year 1-19

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It was Sunday, and the sun was shining bright. Down by the lake was Cassiopeia, Hermione, Amelia, Harry and Ron. Hermione and Cassiopeia were reading, and the others were talking. Then they hear sets of footprints approaching. The group looked up to see Draco, Crabbe and Goyle approaching them, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Amelia looked to them but Cassiopeia just continued to read. Draco noticed this wondering why she wasn't interested in the group coming over, but he then began to focus on the group.

"Well, well. What do we have here, boys? Saint Potter." Draco asked.

"You're a lot braver now that you're back on the ground and you have your little friends with you" Harry replied coolly.

"I'd take you on any time on my own" said Draco. "tonight, if you want. Wizard's duel. Wands only- no contact. What's the matter? Never heard of a Wizard's duel before, I suppose?"

"Of course, he has," Ron said. "I'm his second. Who's yours?"

"Crabbe," Draco Responded. "Midnight all right? We'll meet you in the trophy room."

Just before Draco left, he looked to see Cassiopeia watching him, with a disappointed look. But Draco doesn't focus on the look he is receiving but instead he focuses on how beautiful she looks with the sun shining off of her. Meanwhile Cassiopeia was admiring the way that Draco looks in the sun, however she made sure to keep her face disappointed. They lock eyes and both Draco and Cassiopeia could feel the blush rising in their cheeks, Cassiopeia quickly looked away back to her book, while Draco began to walk away with his friends.

As they were out of sight Harry turned to his friends, "What's a Wizard's duel? And what do you mean that you are my second?"

"Well, seconds are there to take over if you die." Ron replied casually. At this point Cassiopeia joined the conversation, wondering if they were actually going to go to the duel.

Upon seeing Harry's face Amelia quickly added, "But people only die in proper duels, you know with real wizards. The most you and Draco will be able to do is throw sparks at each other. Neither of you know enough magic to do some damage."

"But what do I do if I wave my wand and nothing happens?" Harry asked.

"Then you throw it away and punch him in the face." Ron added. Cassiopeia was sitting there shocked, the friends noticed this and turned to her.

"Wait, you guys are actually going to this 'duel'?" She said with quote marks around the word duel.

"Yeah, why wouldn't we?" Ron replied smugly.

"Because it's probably just a trap for you guys to get in trouble. You know what, scratch that. It is a trap for you to get in trouble."

"You just don't want Harry to hurt your precious Malfoy" Ron retorted.

"You know what, why do I even bother. You never trust me, you always think that I'm just going to throw you under the bus." She saw their strange glances, except Harry and Hermione. "It's a muggle term. Now I'm going to leave before you begin to insult my loyalty to you even further. I thought we got over the house divide but obviously that was just my imagination. Don't come running back to me when you guys get in trouble tonight, and if that's the case then you will be expecting an 'I told you so'."

With that Cassiopeia walked off, the group exchanged glances.

"What's her problem?" Ron said coldly.

"Ummmm- let me think." Hermione replied pretending to think, "You insulted her, made her feel bad, had a go at her, basically said that she doesn't care about Harry, ignored her advice- shall I go on?"

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