Year 1- 2

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Cassiopeia looked around the Alley in awe, spotting all the bright colours and shops everywhere. At first, she had forgotten where she was going, until William hissed in her ear. "Get your robes and wand, we will meet you in the ice cream parlour. Remember what I said back in the manor. And take care of Lyra."

With these words she grabbed Lyra's hand and the money from her father and began making her way to Madam Malkin's to get her robes. Upon entering the shop, she was greeted by the sound of a bell chiming as she opened the door.

"Hogwarts as well, dear?" the woman asked, approaching the two girls.

"Yes, miss." Cassiopeia replied

"Oh well, you're a polite one aren't you!" she said beaming at the girl, "I'm just finishing that young man's robes and then I'll be with you."

The woman walked off to the back, while Cassiopeia turned to her sister tugging on her hand.

"You can look around, but promise me not to leave the shop! Or William will kill us both." Cassiopeia looked straight into Lyra's eyes upon saying this, hoping that she understood the sincerity of her words.

"I promise, Cassie." With those words the young girl skipped around the shop, leaving Cassiopeia to her thoughts. She was interrupted by a blonde-haired boy standing on a stool.

"You going to Hogwarts too?" the boy's voice sounded harsh, as if he was judging her.

"Yes, I begin this term." While speaking Cassiopeia noticed the beautiful grey-eyes that the boy had, but made sure not to stare. "Do I know you? Sorry, if that was rude, but I just feel that I have seen you somewhere."

"I recognise you also, but cannot quite place it. Oh well, I'm sure we will figure it out one day. What house do you think you will get into?" The boy replied. Before Cassiopeia could answer she was interrupted by the sound of the door-bell chiming. She turned to see a small boy, with black, scruffy hair. They boy had glasses, that were being held together by tape, and behind those were piercing emerald green eyes, she also however noticed that the clothes he wore were too big for him- but she didn't dare mention it, out of a fear of being disrespectful.

Suddenly, Madam Malkin re-entered their part of the store saying, "Hogwarts, my dear?"

"Yes." The young boy replied. She smiled and continued into the back room, continuing her previous work.

"So, as I was saying, what house do you two think you will be in? I myself know that I will be in Slytherin, where the best go. My family has been in Slytherin for generations, and it would be disrespectful to break that tradition. And I mean to be placed in Gryffindor would be an absolute disgrace, and if I was placed in Hufflepuff I think I would just leave the school. I guess I wouldn't mind Ravenclaw. But I know that I am Slytherin. So, what about you?" The young blonde boy turned to Cassiopeia and the other boy in the room expecting a response. Cassiopeia turned to the boy, thinking he would want to reply first. He looked to her confused. But, before she could ask him if he knew what the house traits were, she was cut off by the blonde-haired boy. "Do you know what I'm talking about?" In response the green-eyed boy shook his head, she now understood that he was either not very educated, or came from the muggle world.

"Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Gryffindor are the houses at Hogwarts. You get sorted when you arrive on the first day, and then proceed to be in that house the whole time at the school, unless something changes and the Headmaster agrees for you to be moved houses." He looks to the fair-skinned girl with gratitude and then he turned to the other boy, he was about to reply but they were cut off by a knock on the window. There stood a giant man, with shaggy hair and matching beard, Cassiopeia slightly smiled at the giant (knowing she needed to keep her pure-blooded emotionless expression) and the dark-haired boy waved.

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