Year 1- 8

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Cassiopeia grabbed her robes and went to the bathroom, giving the boys the compartment to change in. After changing into the robes, she walked out of the bathroom and down the aisle of the train only to bump into someone on the way, however, only Cassiopeia fell to the floor.

"Watch where you're going" A voice sneered. Cassiopeia looked up to see the blonde-boy from the robe shop. However, when he saw who he had hit his face softened a little and he gave a hand for her. She looked at his hand with a raised eyebrow, but accepted it anyway.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you, I was focusing on not falling down the step. I'm sorry." She explained.

"That's okay, I wasn't looking either. I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" Draco held out his hand to shake.

"Cassiopeia Reid" she replied shaking his hand. Being sure to make sure that her scars didn't show.

"Reid?" He asked.

"Yes?" She replied confused.

"I know where we know each other from, the pure-blood balls." He replied.

"Oh right, I'm not really a fan of those." She replied.

"Why?" He asked.

"I'm not a fan of balls, so I just go and sit in the garden. Away from people." She replied.

"Oh, all alone?" He asked.

"Yeah, but I'm used to it." She replied.

"Oh, sorry. Anyway, it was nice meeting you again. I'll see you later." He said with a small smile.

"Bye." She said with a wave.

With this the two walked away from each other. When Cassiopeia re-entered the compartment, she found Harry and Ron talking. When she entered, they turned to her and they all began talking. As the train began to slow all Cassiopeia could feel was nerves inside of her bubbling up. As the train stopped the trio walked out onto the platform, they heard a voice calling.

"Firs'-years! Firs'-years over here!" we walked over to the voice, where we saw the giant from Diagon Alley. "Hello, 'Arry"

"Hey Hagrid" Harry replied while all Ron could say was "Woah!". Cassiopeia just remained quiet, not wanting to add to the amount of people that would be gawping at him.

"C'mon Firs'-years, follow me!" At this the group of first-years followed Hagrid and they came to a lake where there was a bunch of boats. "no more'n four to a boat." Cassiopeia, Ron and Harry got a boat together and was joined by a small boy with a toad, so they assumed that this was Neville. "Everyone in? Right then, FORWARD!" With this the boats began to glide across the lake, all were looking around in awe.

Cassiopeia, however, wasn't looking at her surroundings, she was looking at the lake- as she could have sworn that she saw something move. Suddenly, she saw tentacles and before she knew it the tentacles wrapped around her waist and pulled her under. "HARRY!" That was all Cassiopeia could say before she was dragged down the lake. But, for some reason, Cassiopeia wasn't panicking, she just looked at the giant squid- she saw a familiar look in the squid's eyes, loneliness. She looked to the squid with pity, and held out her hand. The squid slowly brought another tentacle towards her hand. The centre of Cassiopeia's hand was met with the tip of the squid's tentacle. She smiled but then realised that she wasn't a water creature and needed air, she looked away from her hand and turned to the squid- he seemed to play attention to her- when she gestured to her throat and the air, the squid looked at her in panic and pushed her back to the surface. She gasped the air when she came up to the top.

"CASSIOPEIA! Are you okay?" Harry's voice was the first voice she heard along with a few other sighs of relief. Cassiopeia looked up to Harry, seeing the worry on his face, she nodded to his question. Harry and Ron helped pull her up onto the boat.

"Cassiopeia, are yeh alrigh'?" Cassiopeia looked to Hagrid and nodded, afraid her voice would fail her. Everyone was watching her when she pulled out her wand, many confused at what she was doing. She then did voiceless magic and dried herself, and then proceeded to do another spell and made the smell of the lake leave her. When she put her wand back into her robes and looked up to see everyone looking at her in amazement.

"What?" She asked.

"We were just surprised that you could do magic, and non-verbal at that." Ron replied.

"Oh right, thanks" she replied. The boats continued to journey towards the castle and when they got to the edge, they all got out and journeyed to a large oak door. Where they walked up some stairs to meet a stern looking woman wearing an emerald green dress.


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