Year 2 - 31

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Professor Snape was distraught with the loss of his Goddaughter. But throughout the night, thoughts were rushing through his head, and the shrunken box in his pocket felt like it was weighing him down. He knew that he shouldn't have taken the box, but he truly wanted to know what Cassiopeia had not told him. What she seemed to think she couldn't talk to him about. What made her not want to sleep. With a heavy heart he took the box out of his pocket and brought it back to its regular size. He placed it on the table in front of him and brushed his fingers over the key hole. He brought his wand and put it against the keyhole. He thought of an unlocking charm, but also hoped with his heart that him being close to Cassiopeia would be enough to open it. He watched as a hipnotizing blue stream of magic came from the lock. It made its way to the top of the box and spelt out a message. 'What's my mother's maiden name?'. The Professor smiled at the question, his goddaughter was prepared for anyone to find this box. He knew that they would automatically say 'Black', Ara's maiden name, but Severus knew better.

"Newstead." He spoke to the box. The writing then changed into another question: 'Who do I consider as my father?' The Professor thought about the question for a moment. "Marc Lewis?" He replied, with less certaincy than the last. The writing didn't disappear but turned red, meaning he got it wrong. The Professor thought for a moment, who is her father figure? He knew that she didn't class Voldemort or William as her father. But there wasn't anyone else left. He then looked over to the pictures of himself and himself with Lily. He looked to the paintings and back to the box. "Severus Snape." He tried, and then the writing turned back to blue, indicating he got it correct- which made tears come to his eyes. The writing swirled around once again, spelling out: 'What is the name of the potion that allows you to change your physical form into another?'. The question asked. The Professor smiled. "Polyjuice." He answered and the blue spell began to swirl into the shape of a rose and then into the shape of a key, there was a pause and then the box unlocked, the magic disappearing. Professor Snape opened the lid and was shocked to see how many pieces of paper were in the box. He moved himself closer to the desk and then tipped the box upside-down on the table, the drawings falling onto the table. He noticed that she'd dated when she had drawn the pictures, so he used his wand to sort them into piles by what the pictures felt they should be in, not feeling the ones that were more common fears like spiders would be concerning. It was the more serious ones he cared to look at. The pictures moved into six distinct piles. Two much more stacked than the other four.

He looked to one and saw that it was filled with pictures of Voldemort, some more vivid than the others. One that stood out was a female eye, that was red. At first he had assumed it was the eyes of Voldemort when he was previously in power. But then he noticed the femine features of the eye. He looked away from the pile of Voldemort themed pictures to another one.

This pile was killed with images from her parents death

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This pile was killed with images from her parents death. He looked at the pictures of her parents, and also a picture of Lily's patronus. He looked at the emotions that were captured on the people's faces and realised how vivid the dreams must have been. Meaning the amount of pain Cassiopeia must have felt must have been raw and painful.

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