Year 2 - 21

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The Christmas holidays came around, just in time for everyone. After the longest term, everyone was happy they could just relax. Cassiopeia had received a letter from her father saying that the family was going to France on Christmas Eve, so she was going back to her house for a week and then coming back to school for the proper holiday. She said goodbye to her friends that were staying (Golden trio, Amelia, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle) and then got on the train with those who were leaving (Blaise and Theodore). As they got to the Platform and parted ways, Cassiopeia gave the pair a hug and their Christmas presents (Both got a Slytherin broach with their initials on them). She went over to the Reids and was pulled into a hug by Lyra.

"Let's go to the house, we have something to discuss." William said. Cassiopeia nodded and took ahold of William's arm. Together the group apparated back to the manor. He called upon his house-elf and made him take Cassiopeia's things to her room. Cassiopeia looked in confusion, what was so important that it couldn't wait. "Come, Cassiopeia." William said, leading her into the sitting room. Cassiopeia followed him in and noticed a look between Ara and William.

"Sir, Madame, is everything alright?" She asked. They looked to her and nodded slightly. They got Cassiopeia to sit on the couch, and they stood in the middle of the room- looking at her. She sat there waiting. After a while, Ara was the one to break the silence.

"Cass, we have something to tell you." She said. Cassiopeia nodded. "We are expecting another child, twins." She said quickly, like ripping the band aid off. Cassiopeia looked in shock. The pair looked to each other in worry, worried how she was going to respond. Shocking them both she jumped up and squealed.

"Oh my God!" She exclaimed, bringing the pair into an embrace. "I'm so happy for you." She said, happy tears pouring down her face. The pair wrapped their arms around Cassiopeia.

"Thank you." Ara replied.

"This causes for a celebration." Cassiopeia said. She then called upon Poppy. "Poppy, some campaign. And some tea." She then turned back to Ara. "Sit." She ordered, and Ara complied with a laugh. "How far along are you?"

"Actually," She waved her wand, and her stomach grew in size- but in reality, it was the effect of the removal of a cloaking spell. "I'm 7 months. We didn't want to tell you before you went to school because we thought you might be worried."

"That's amazing, I'm going to be a big sister again." She said. Making Ara and William smile. Poppy then came back in and put the drinks on the tray. Ara went to reach for some tea. "No, no, no, mama bear. You are not lifting a finger." Cassiopeia ordered, making William laugh. Cassiopeia grabbed some tea and gave it to Ara, she then turned to the campaign and gave it to William and he popped open the cork. She poured two glasses and held one out to William. He looked at the glass in her hand and rose and eyebrow. "Oh, shush. It's a one off." She replied. She then held her drink out. "To the happy trinity, well I guess quartet." She toasted, they clinked their glasses (and mug) against hers and they all took a sip. Cassiopeia coughed at the taste of campaign. "Well, that's disgusting." She commented, making the pair laugh. "How did Lyra take it?"

"She was actually as happy as you." Ara said.

"That's good." She replied. "What names are you thinking about?"

"For boys, we were thinking: Leo and Arche." William said.

"They're beautiful." She replied. "And girls?"

"We were actually hoping you could help us with that." Ara replied. Cassiopeia looked to them in shock.

"Me? Why?" She asked.

"We realise that we haven't been the greatest parents, especially me. And we thought we should give you a choice at the names." William replied. Cassiopeia had tears in her eyes and pulled him into a hug, then proceeded to give Ara a careful one.

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