Year 1-24

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"Who won the game?" Cassiopeia asked while she was being supported to the Hospital Wing.

"We did." Marcus replied to the girl, with a large smile on his face.

"That's good, well done guys." She said addressing the team.

"Well done to you too, Cassiopeia. Oh, and thank you for diving into the bludger aimed at me." Terence replied.

"You're welcome. We wouldn't want our seeker injured, would we?" she chuckled, wincing in pain.

"So, Cassiopeia." Draco said. "you're on the Slytherin quidditch team."

"Surprise!" she laughed, and then winced in pain and her legs failed her for a moment, because of the pain. "Ow."

"You okay?" Draco asked, full of concern.

"Yeah, I just need to stop laughing."

"Says the girl who is the one making the jokes." Adrian said from behind. This made Cassiopeia laugh, but she winced again in pain.

When they reached the hospital wing, she was placed on a bed and she realised that the whole Slytherin team was there, along with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Blaise, Theo, Crabbe, Goyle, Amelia, Pansy, Millicent and the Weasley twins. They all waited around the bed.

"Hey, don't stay here. Slytherins go and celebrate our win. Gryffindors go enjoy your time in loser-ville." She said with a laugh, only to wince in pain again.

"We're not leaving you, you deserve to be at the party too, since you played a huge part in the victory." Marcus said.

"I'll be there later, even if I have to sneak out. I promise." She assured with a wink.

"Fine." With that the Slytherin quidditch team left, but not before each of them gave her a careful hug. Then she was left with her friends and the Weasley twins.

"Cassiopeia, I wanted to apologise." Fred said.

"It was your bludger?"

"Yeah." He said, ashamed.

"Don't worry about it. He's on the other team, it's your job." She replied.

"You sure?" He asked, his head shooting up in shock.

"Yes." And with that they both left, leaving Cassiopeia to her friends, however she could feel the tension between the golden trio and the Slytherins.

"We'll leave you to your friends." Hermione said, gesturing to the Slytherins.

"Okay, I'll see you later. Yeah?"

"Yeah." Ron replied with a nod.

They said their goodbyes and it was just Harry left, "Cassiopeia, I wanted to thank you for catching me today."

"You're welcome." She then smirked to him, "We couldn't have the 'Boy Who Lived' go splat on the ground now could we?" she laughed, only to wince again. "I really don't learn, do I?"

"No" all of them said together.

"Bye, Cassiopeia" Harry said while hugging her.

"Bye, Harry."

When he left, she turned to her friends, but before they could say anything Madame Pomfrey walked over.

"Ms Reid, I want you to drink this." Cassiopeia took the drink and drowned it down, she felt the drink burn her throat but kept it down. "Wow, I don't think I've seen anyone drink that the first time without spitting it out. I'll assume that you will be wanting to go party in your dorm later?" Cassiopeia nodded. "Okay, well in that case, I'm going to give you a sleeping potion so that for the party you are ready. But can I please ask that you take it easy."

"Yes, madame. Don't worry, I'm not really a party person anyway. Draco can tell you that."

"Yeah, it's true. At the annual balls she sits in the garden on her own." They both chuckled, but luckily the pain was subduing because of the drink, so she didn't wince.

"Well, alright. Say goodbye to your friends while I get the drink."

One by one they said goodbye, and soon it was just her and Draco left. "Thank you for helping me to the wing."

"You're welcome," he then smirked at her, "You really need to stop visiting the hospital wing so much."

"I'll try. Goodbye Draco." They hugged and he kissed her cheek as they let go. As he walked away, he turned to see her with her hand to her cheek blushing.


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