Year 2 - 28

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Cassiopeia awoke from her nightmare with a scream, she changed into her own clothes- it being the weekend- and then sat back on her bed. She grabbed her art things and decided to draw another thing from her nightmares, hoping for something to work. She decided to draw Tom Riddle.

She finished the shading of his hair and then heard some movement from her room mates

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She finished the shading of his hair and then heard some movement from her room mates. She looked over to see that Amelia was stirring. She signed her name to the drawing and put it in her dream box. She didn't tell Marcus of her dreams of the other attacks, because she knew that he would either get her to tell someone or he would think that she was evil. Neither of which did she want to happen.

"Morning." A tired voice sounded. Cassiopeia looked up from her trunk to see Amelia stretching.

"Morning." She replied. Amelia then got ready for the day ahead. Together the girls made their way to the Great hall, they sat with the Slytherins and just ate together. Then the crowds started making their way to the Quidditch pitch.

"I'll meet you guys there, I need to return a book to the library." She told them. They looked to her with a nod. Cassiopeia returned to her common room and grabbed her book on charms that she wanted to return. She handed the book to Miss Pince.

"Can I interest you in this book on potions?" She asked, pointing to a book on her side. Cassiopeia smiled and nodded. The librarian signed Cassiopeia's name in the book and then handed it to the girl. Cassiopeia then made her way to the entrance of the library. She knew she needed to hurry to reach the beginning of the match. She was walking through the corridor when she heard two screams from behind her, automatically she turned and faced the source of the scream. She then saw the yellow eyes of the Basilisk and fell unconscious to the floor. Her eyes not seeing any sights... Her nose not smelling any smells... Her ears not hearing any noise... Her lungs not breathing any air... Her heart not pumping any blood...

"What is all the noise?" Professor McGonagall asked, coming down the corridor. She then stopped in her tracks at the sights of the three bodies on the floor.

"Albus!" She called. She then heard the footsteps behind her and turned to see Professors Dumbledore, Snape and Flitwick coming towards her. They all also stopped in shock at the sight. Professor Dumbledore was the first to move, followed by Professor McGonagall, the former going to Cassiopeia and the latter going to Hermione and Penelope Clearwater- the other victims.

"She has no pulse. The Basilisk has killed its second victim." Professor Dumbledore said gravely, holding two fingers to Cassiopeia's neck. Professor Snape knelt down beside the old man. He looked at his goddaughter, and the tears started forming in his eyes.

"Cancel the match, Minerva. Get everyone to their common rooms. Bring the suitable students to the hospital wing to see their friends." Professor Dumbledore said. The old woman nodded and made her way to the Quidditch pitch. "Can you help me get them to the hospital wing?" He asked the remaining two professors. Professor Flitwick nodded straight away, moving towards the petrified victims. Professor Snape, however, didn't answer. He just kept looking at the pale and lifeless face of his goddaughter.

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