Year 1-21

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When Draco, Blaise, Theodore, Crabbe and Goyle entered the Great Hall the following morning to see Harry and Ron sitting at the Gryffindor table, he was annoyed that they had managed to avoid capture again, but they couldn't do anything because there were teachers present. They sat at the Slytherin table and began to eat breakfast, a few moments later he saw Cassiopeia walk through the door. She began to walk the Gryffindor table, some of the Slytherins watched the exchange as they knew that Ron had upset Cassiopeia yesterday.

Harry's head turned to see Cassiopeia walk towards himself, Ron and Hermione.

"Are you guys okay? What happened last night?" Cassiopeia said quickly as she sat down on the table.

"Malfoy tricked us and we were almost caught by Filch. We were running away and then we hid in a room only to see -" but Harry was cut off by a kick to his shins from Ron. He looked to Ron confused but he understood that Ron didn't trust Slytherins.

"What did you see?" Cassiopeia inquired.

"Nothing." Hermione replied.

"Why won't you tell me?" Cassiopeia said, looking towards Ron.

"Because you're a snake," his voice full of venom as he began to stand over her, "We told you yesterday, we don't and never will trust you. You will just betray us. I bet you persuaded Malfoy to going to trick us, you truly are a Slytherin."

With this Cassiopeia was hurt, she stood up and glared to Ron. "I tried to warn you. It's not my fault that you wouldn't listen to me. You were just trying to play a hero. Well, news flash Ronald, you aren't, you just think you're so much better than everyone else. But you're not, so get your head out of your arse, it's not a hat!"

The next thing that happed shocked everyone, as Cassiopeia went to walk away Ron grabbed her wrist and turned her around and pushed her to the floor, the sound echoed around the hall and everyone turned to the exchange. The Slytherin's jumped up to protect the young Slytherin from the Gryffindor who was trying to lunge at her only to be held back by Harry and the teachers began to walk towards the two. But before anything could happen Cassiopeia looked at Ron one final time, however no one noticed her eyes glow red for a moment, and walked out of the Great Hall, the Slytherins all glared to Ron and some of them got up and walked out.

Most of them were now looking for Cassiopeia, hoping they could comfort the young Slytherin. They all split up, some looking in classrooms, others by the lake, some in the common room, others in the dormitories. No one could find her. Draco and Marcus were getting worried, along with Cassiopeia's other close friends, and they began to worry. A thought then clicked in Marcus' mind, he said to his friends that he was going to go and check the Quidditch pitch and Draco joined him. As they approached, they then saw a small figure hovering in the sky on a broom. Marcus and Draco smirked to each other before grabbing a broom each, as they ascended into the sky, they noticed that Cassiopeia wasn't crying -like they thought she would be- she was just watching the world around her.

"Hey" Draco said, which caused Cassiopeia to jump out of her trance. She turned to him and Marcus giving them both a smile. They both knew however that this smile was fake.

"Cass, you don't have to hide your tears from us. We know you must be upset, don't be ashamed to cry." Marcus said with a calm voice.

"I'm okay. And it's not okay to cry, it's weakness." She then began flying back and forth a little- as if pacing while flying- "I showed too much weakness earlier when I left the hall. I should have hexed him right there and then, that's what my parents would have wanted."

"Yes, but that's not who you are." Draco said.

"Thanks guys, you're always there for me." She said.

"You're welcome. Oh, and I thought you should know that Weasley got detention from Professor McGonagall." Draco informed her.

"Okay." Both Marcus and Draco looked to the young girl and noticed that she didn't want Ron to get into trouble over her, but they were unsure why due to the amount of times he has hurt her.

"Cassiopeia," she turned to Marcus, "Why do you not want Weasley to get into trouble?"

"Because it will make him hate me more." She admitted.

"So? He's never nice to you, ever since you became Slytherin he has turned his back on you." Draco told her.

"True. But I didn't help by insulting Gryffindors." She replied.

"But what you said was true, every word." Marcus assured.

"Thanks, shall we go? It's lesson time in a few minutes." She said.

And with that the group went down and walked to class, Draco and Cassiopeia had potions together so they walked to potions to have a great lesson, in which Ron and Harry kept losing points while Draco, Amelia and Cassiopeia kept being awarded points.


Cassiopeia continued to ignore Harry, Hermione and Ron, as she still knew that they were hiding something from her and even though they kept attempting to talk she would walk off with her Slytherin friends.

But it wasn't all bad as Quidditch practices had begun, the team was accepting to Cassiopeia when they saw her skills, however she was the only girl on the team and she often felt self-conscious. She had received a Nimbus 2000, from Professor Snape, but she had to hide it because first years weren't allowed brooms and also the fact that he and Marcus had decided that they would keep Cassiopeia's involvement in the team secret until the first match. Cassiopeia was fine with this, however, it meant that she couldn't tell her friends, so when she had practice, she had to make up an excuse- she often said that she was speaking to Professor Snape, as she knew that he would stick to her alibi because he wanted it to be kept secret.

She was shocked where the time was going, as now she had been at Hogwarts for two months, and it was still just as exciting. 


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