Year 1-28

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Cassiopeia had had this same torture two times a day for two weeks and now it was Christmas Day, she was released and lead to her room, where she was chained to the wall. She was doing her homework when Poppy apparated into the room, where she handed Cassiopeia a pile of letters and presents.

She opened the letters from before that day, first was a letter from Hermione:

Dear Cassiopeia,

How are your holidays going? I'm having a nice time at home, but miss my friends. Do you think Harry and Ron have checked the library yet?

Hope to hear from you soon.


Hermione xx

The next was from Amelia:

Dear Cassiopeia,

How are your holidays?

I don't know whether your parents have told you but this year the ball is at the Malfoy Manor.

Although despite the location I'm quite excited for the dress shopping!

Hope you are well,


Amelia xx

The next was another letter from Hermione:

Dear Cassiopeia,

I thought I would send another letter, are you alright?

I just thought I would ask as you haven't answered my letter and Amelia's neither.

Please reply to let me know you are okay.


Hermione xx

She felt guilty about her friends worrying, but from the dungeons she couldn't get the letters, let alone reply. She opened the next one which was from Harry:

Dear Cassiopeia,

I heard from Hermione that you haven't been answering hers, or Amelia's, letters.

Please just let me know that you're okay, I have been worried since your mood change on the day before you left school.

Please reply, both Ron and I are worried.

We haven't gone to the library yet, as we are waiting for Filch to be busy.

Hope you are okay.

From Harry and Ron

She began wondering if Ron was actually worried, as he didn't seem to like Cassiopeia. She pushed that thought to the back of her mind and opened the next letter from Amelia:

Dear Cassiopeia,

I hope you are okay.

I thought I should send you Christmas present with this letter.

Cass, please answer, I'm worried about you.

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