Year 1-32

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The four apparated to platform 9¾ and there Cassiopeia gave the bag-handler her trunk and Liberty. She then made her way back to the Reids. Cassiopeia then looked to William, and he pulled her into a hug, she was shocked at first and then realised that he just wanted to whisper something to her.

"Remember what I said. You will stay away from Mud-bloods and Blood-Traitors. If you do not, I will find out." they pulled apart and Cassiopeia curtseyed to William.

"Yes, Sir. I understand."

She then turned to Lyra, who was crying, they hugged goodbye. Once Cassiopeia released Lyra, she turned to Ara. Ara turned to William and asked for some time alone. When they walked away Ara pulled Cassiopeia into a hug, "What are you going to do? Are you going to avoid them?"

"I think I will try for a week. Although it will hard, considering that they are my best friends and in most of my classes. But I'll just say that I need some time alone because my grandfather died or something." Cassiopeia replied.

"Okay, that's sounds like a good plan. But be careful not to lose yourself in the process. I know that you are having nightmares, don't lose yourself to this. I love you, my dear." Are replied. Cassiopeia was shocked at her words and her eyes began to tear up.

"I love you too" Cassiopeia said. Ara then looked to Cassiopeia and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Remember strong women don't cry." She reminded.

"Yes, madame."

The family come back together and they say a last goodbye, Cassiopeia walks onto the train and sees Hermione and Amelia in a compartment. They look to her, but Cassiopeia just walks on and finds an empty compartment. She looks out the window and sees William smiling at her, he must have seen her walk away from her friends, Cassiopeia nods to him and he returns the nod. She waves goodbye to Lyra as the train leaves the platform.

She pulls out the muggle book and her reading glasses, she begins to read from where Poppy left off last night. She hears the compartment door open and looks up from her book to see Draco, as he sits down opposite her.

"Why are you in a compartment on your own?" Draco asked, Cassiopeia closed her book and looked to Draco.

"I'm tired and I wanted to be alone." She replied with a shrug.

"Why?" Draco asked.

"I don't think that is any of your business." She snapped, Draco looked hurt at the comment- but didn't show it.

"Okay." Draco replied simply.

"Okay?" Cassiopeia was confused, as she expected him to be wanting answers.

"Yeah. You're right, it isn't my business." Draco stood up, "I'll leave you to be alone." Draco then picked up Cassiopeia's hand from her lap and kissed it- like he did at the ball. And as he had planned her jumper sleeve fell down, showing the scars. She looked in shock and tried yanking back her hand, but he was faster and stronger and he grabbed her other hand also. He examined the scars on her wrists and noticed that they look a lot worse from the time he saw them at the ball. "What are these?"

"N-nothing" Cassiopeia stuttered.

"Tell me!" Draco demanded, Cassiopeia snapped. She pulled her hands away from Draco and grabbed his jumper.

"It's none of your business!" and she pushed him out of the compartment, shut and locked the door, and closed the blinds. Cassiopeia then sat and tried so hard not to cry, but it was in vain as some tears fell down her cheeks. Draco stood there shocked for a moment and then proceeded down the train to find Hermione and Amelia.

He walks in and tells them about the encounter that he just had with Cassiopeia, not mentioning the scars. They were shocked by her behaviour. They decided to ask her about it on the way to school. 


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