Year 1-23

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November brought the first quidditch match of the season, Slytherin vs Gryffindor. Everyone was nervous for the game, especially Cassiopeia and Harry as it would be their first game- not that anyone knew that Cassiopeia was playing. That morning as they walked down for breakfast Cassiopeia approached the Gryffindor table and wished Harry luck. She then walked back with her friends to the Slytherin table.

"Guys, do you mind if I sit with the Quidditch team?" Cassiopeia asked her friends, they all shook their heads- knowing how close she was with them.

"Of course, wish them luck from me." Amelia replied.

"Will do." Cassiopeia walked over and sat next to Marcus and the other quidditch players. Obviously, they had to hide the fact that she was in the team, so they just continued to talk. However, some of the players noticed that Cassiopeia wasn't eating, they knew that these were the first game nerves.

"Cassiopeia, you've got to eat something." Marcus said, quietly so no one would notice.

"I can't, what if I throw it back up again." She said.

"You won't, it's just nerves" she nodded and began to eat. While eating she began to hear whispers from the Gryffindor table, 'have you noticed that Slytherin doesn't have enough players.' 'oh yeah.' 'perhaps someone is just late coming down, or will meet them at the pitch' 'maybe.'. Cassiopeia smirked to herself, then behind her came Professor Snape.

"Good luck today, team. I'm sure that you will do fine." He then bent down and looked to Marcus, but he lowered his voice. "Good luck today, Cassiopeia. Don't be nervous I've seen you play and you're a great player. You can squash Gryffindor."

"Thanks, sir." He nodded and walked off, luckily to the rest of the table it just looked like Professor Snape was addressing Marcus. The students in the hall began to walk down, Cassiopeia whispered to Marcus "I'll meet you down there." He nodded and walked away with the rest of the team. Cassiopeia turned to her friends and they walked together.

Just as they were about to go to the stands, Cassiopeia quickly said to them, "Guys, I'll be right back."

"Wait, Cassiopeia?" Amelia called out, but she had already disappeared.

"That was strange." Theo said.

"Yeah" Blaise said.

"Oh well, we'll save her a seat." Crabbe added as they walked to the stand.

When Cassiopeia reached the changing rooms, she made sure that no one saw her enter, and when she got there, she found the team. They were all dressed and looking at her.

"Right, Cassiopeia. Because you are a girl, you'll get changed in that cubical. Your kit is on a hanger in there."

"Okay, thank you." she quickly got dressed and tied her hair up in a ponytail, she walked out to find the Slytherin team chilling, she wondered how they could all be so calm. When they saw she was ready Marcus began the pep-talk. But Cassiopeia couldn't focus she was too nervous. She snapped back out of it when she heard her name. She turned to see the whole team looking at her, worried.

"You okay?" Marcus asked.

"No. What if I make a fool out of myself? What if I get hit by a bludger? What if something happens?" She rambled.

"Hey, don't worry. Just do what you do in training." Marcus said.

"Yeah you're a great flyer, you will be fine." Adrian Pucey added, he was one of the three chasers- the others being Cassiopeia and Marcus.

"Okay." She took a deep breath, "Let's go and crush some Gryffindors!". They all cheered at her enthusiasm. "I wonder how shocked people will be when they see that I'm on the team."

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