Year 1-18

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As Marcus and Cassiopeia walked to the Quidditch pitch they just began talking about random things and then when they arrived at the pitch, they grabbed a broom and the box of balls. When they got back from the store cupboard, they found Professor Snape waiting for them. She began to fly and Professor Snape and Marcus were impressed by Cassiopeia's skills and when she touched back down, they told her that she was chaser. She was over the moon and broke through her pure-blooded façade, she rushed and hugged Marcus, continually saying 'thank you', and then ran to hug Professor Snape, as she wrapped her arms around him she felt him tense up and then he just patted on the back- Marcus was surprised at the exchange and then they decided to make their way to the Great Hall for dinner, on the way they told Professor Snape about the acting show they provided- he smiled at the two Slytherins. He then walked away to the teachers' entrance while Cassiopeia and Marcus walked to the main doors. Before they reached the doors, Cassiopeia stopped, Marcus turned around to face the girl- having a sense of déjà vu.

"What if everyone knows I was crying? What if they think I'm weak? What if my friends hate me?" she began to ramble on but Marcus cut her off.

"Hey, hey, stop. Look even if they do know you were crying it doesn't matter, you aren't crying now. And another thing, crying doesn't make you weak it makes you stronger. I know that pure-bloods aren't supposed to show emotions, but that doesn't mean that it makes you weak. Also, your friends will never hate you, that's what makes them friends. You ready to enter?" Cassiopeia nodded and they both walked into the hall, luckily the only people that noticed their entrance was Cassiopeia's friends, along with a few of Marcus'. All of Cassiopeia's friends looked to her worried, but they then noticed her happy expression and calmed a little, as she walked to the Slytherin table she said a thank you and goodbye to Marcus and then walked down to her friends. As she reached them, she cleared her throat.

"Do you mind if I sit with you?" they all looked taken back by her question, wondering why she needed to ask. But nevertheless, Theodore broke the silence.

"Of course not. You haven't missed the food yet, I think they were waiting for Professor Snape."

And that evening they ate their food and walked back to the common room, on the way Harry, Ron and Hermione came up behind them, asking for Cassiopeia, she nodded to the others and they walked off, leaving her with the three.

"Are you okay?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

"You don't need to be brave in front of us, Cassiopeia. We won't judge you." Harry said calmly.

"Really, guys. I'm fine, it was a moment of weakness. But I'm better now, I spoke to Marcus and he helped me see the bright side. Anyway, I should be getting to bed. See you tomorrow." With this she walked away and towards the Slytherin common room.

As she went out of sight Harry turned to Hermione, "Do all girls think that crying is weakness?"

"No, well I don't anyway." She replied.

"It's not a girl thing." Ron said, they looked to him shocked. "It's a pure-blood thing. Many parents tell their pure-blooded children that crying is weakness, and that they should never show any emotions."

"Oh. Is that what your family is like?" Harry asked.

"No, my parents don't agree with it. That's why my family aren't really a stereotypical pure-blooded family, because we don't agree with any of the views. Otherwise I couldn't be friends with either of you." Ron replied.

"Oh, but Cassiopeia is still friends with us. So, does she agree with the views or not?" Hermione asked, a bit confused about the pure-blooded ways.

"I think she agrees with some of the views, like the emotions part- which is why we never see her showing emotions. But I don't think she agrees with the fact that pure-bloods cannot mix with others- hence why she is friends with us." Ron clarifies, forgetting that they aren't really friends themselves.

And with that the group went back to the Gryffindor common room.

Meanwhile Cassiopeia arrived at the Slytherin common room and said goodnight to her friends. She got ready for bed and slept, peacefully, about Quidditch.


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