Chapter 1

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"Hehe nice day we have here huh." "It is nice, to be honest it is a miracle that even in the rainy season a good sunny day like that is here."

One man, One woman. Two people of the opposite gender are talking like they knew each other for quite a while, heck they even look intimate to each other. This type of scene would really make people think that these two are in a relationship, but the thing is they aren't in one.

"First lieutenant Mike don't you think its weird?" ask the woman to the person named Mike as it seems.

"Just lieutenant Stace, don't put to much honorifics and what do you mean weird?" ask Mike to the woman or Stace, as what Mike has said.

"I mean first- uhh cough cough lieutenant Mike, you see we've been getting a lot of signal no.3 to 5 storms lately. Even the news said it would last a whole 2 months. And yet now a "Sunny Bright Day" comes out. Addition to that, half of Luzon was covered by the storm yesterday! The storm couldn't have just pack up and dispersed like that you know!" said Stace seemingly bewildered to the recent happenings on the country.

"Watch your tone Corporal, but i do admit that these happenings are too sudden. Phivolcs and the american science team are also on it, but yet again no piece of news or any theories on such a happening have ever been recorded in history. Which gives quite a debate on what's the true reason of dispersal of the storm. But lets not worry too much, japanese and russian scientists are also coming to investigate this phenomenon as well so the only thing we could do is wait. Said Mike.

"I sure do hope so that we could wait for a long time Lieutenant, but i just can't get this feeling of inside me." (Stace)

(I'm gonna put this things --> (Stace) or (Mike) stuff so i won't repeat saying said Mike or Said Stace and stuff like that okay)

"And what is that feeling Stace?" (Mike)

"That something bad is gonna happen feeling." (Stace with a complicated look)

Just as. First Lieutenant Mike was about to reprimand Stace for saying such bad unlucky type of words he noticed something in the horizon.

"Mhmm, what is that?" (Mike)

Stace took a look at where Mike was looking at the moment but didn't see anything. However when she took a second 'intent' look at the horizon she somehow faintly see a fog of some sort coming near the coast.


(Russian private jet)

"To all passengers this is captain Albert and we are now approaching Philippine airlines. Please put on your seatbelts for we are about to land."(Albert)

The russian private jet or better called the 'Russian science team' has now arrived at the Philippines. These people were tasked to 'investigate' the 'unknown happenings' that had just happened.

"Tower this is RPJ-07 requesting to land, over."(Albert)

"This is tower, over. You are clear to land at runway two-seven over."

(Few moments later)

"Good afternoon Mr.Viktor. I am lieutenant Mark and behind me is my team, we are tasked to receive your team and to ensure the russian team's safety. For now the japanese team has been waiting for some time now and is awaiting your arrival at the lobby. So may i?" (Mark)

"..... Lead the way lieutenant." (Viktor)

Scene: Lobby

"Captain the russian team is here."(Mark)

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