I- this is normal

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She dreamed about her dad again last night.

(Y/n) couldn't stop dreaming about him.

He was some forbidden part of her, a part that she despised but loved all the same. Her mother seldom spoke of him and whenever she did, the things she said weren't flattering.

The two had never married, they weren't even really together. To her mother, her father was like the flu- a little inconvenience that would bother you every now and again but wasn't the worst thing in the world.

(Y/n)'s mother, Carmen (L/n), didn't know of her frequent visits to her father- in dreams or in life.

In a way, (Y/n) could understand Carmen's distaste for her father. He was Felix Torres after all, a notorious bigwig in the world of organised crime. But to (Y/n), Carmen was nothing but a hypocrite!

Since her thirties, Carmen had been developing illegal substances. Mostly party drugs like MDMA that she'd sell to a rival mob for them to distribute. She sold under the guise of a small innocent- looking corner store, with only her workers and children knowing what went on behind the staff door.

But back to (Y/n)'s dream.

As previously stated, it was about Felix. They were on a beach, one that was covered with rocks instead of sand. The sky was white and the sea was grey as it pounded at the shore mercilessly. The cold was blistering and the wind was so strong (Y/n) thought she may blow away.

Felix wasn't actually there. She couldn't see him, but she knew he was with her. She knew that he was pushing her as she walked to the water and she knew it was his hand holding her head under the water.

She woke for the dream with a start. The feeling of salt water in her lungs was all too real. Sweat dripped down her forehead gracelessly and she rubbed some of it off.

It wasn't the first time she'd had a dream like this one. It wasn't always the beach but it was always the same. He was never there but he'd always kill her.

(Y/n) didn't mention it to her mom, ever. She did tell Felix after the third time she had dreamt about him killing her but he laughed it off and ruffled up her hair, he told her it was something she shouldn't worry about, some indoctrination Carmen had filled her with.

The first time she had the dream was the worst, she couldn't tell that time if it was her dad. It was just a figure, a dark shadowy figure. She was tied to a chair in some dark cabin and the figure would just shoot her. It was point blank, right between her eyes. Just as the bullet left the barrel her eyes would shoot open. That scenario had repeated itself a good few times.

(Y/n) looked at her phone for the time and saw that it wasn't too ungodly for her to start getting ready for school. She was in her senior year of high school and honestly couldn't wait to escape the place.

She trudged out of her room and over to the bathroom only to find the that the door was locked.

"Hey, I'm about to have a shower!"

The voice of her older brother boomed through the door. He was four years older than her, twenty one, and he was unemployed, not going to school and living off Carmen's money. He dropped out of high school and had been leaching on ever since.

"I have school, Ronan! Can't you shower later?!" (Y/n) yelled back, the siblings weren't exactly close so these impromptu screaming matches were to be expected. Carmen didn't even bother breaking it up anymore.

"I'll be five minutes! Chill out!" He shouted again.

(Y/n) pounded at the door when she heard the water begin to run. "You always say that and then take like an hour! Ronan!"

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