XXVI- morning after

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(Y/n) felt like she's just been hit by a truck when she woke up. Her mood was low, her temperature was high and her head was in a great deal of pain.

Overall, she wasn't doing too great.

She let out a low groan as she got herself up and saw various messages on her phone:

Orlando: Where did you go? Are you okay?

Orlando: (Y/n). Please message me back.

You missed (3) call(s) from Orlando

Orlando: I'm getting worried now.

Orlando: Text me back ASAP

(Y/n) frowned at the messages and typed one into her phone.

(Y/n): Sorry for worrying you. I went home early last night, I'm all good though. Sorry again.

She exited the chat only to see that Orlando wasn't the only one concerned about her.

Tia: Bruh, where are you?

Tia: I swear to God if I find you passed out in the house.

You missed (1) call(s) from Tia

Tia: HMU when you see this.

(Y/n) figured she should offer Tia the same courtesy she gave Orlando.

(Y/n): Went home early last night. Sorry for not telling you.

She left the chat and saw that while she had no texts from Padgett, she had missed twelve calls from her. She guessed that was because Padgett felt responsible for (Y/n)'s wellbeing because of Ronan and Carmen sending them off together.

(Y/n) dreaded the thought of confronting her family. They'd easily see that what she was going through wasn't a regular hangover.

The time on her phone read as nine in the morning, she couldn't hide away for an eternity so she may as well get the worst of it out of the way.

Her bones felt like they were creaking with every movement she took as she got out of bed.

The walk down to the kitchen felt like an entire trek.

"Good morning, party animal." Ronan snickered as (Y/n) walked in with dark circles under her eyes.

"How was last- (Y/n), oh my god!" Carmen was startled by her daughter's appearance, this shock was however quickly replaced by anger. "You took molly?!"

"What? No- I'm just hungover!" (Y/n) retorted, she was a terrible liar. Mostly she was wondering how her mother could pick up on it so fast.

"No, this isn't a regular hangover. This is coming down off MDMA. I'm so disappointed." She tisked. "How much did you take?"

"Nothing." (Y/n) walked past her mom to make herself some breakfast. "I just had a bit too much to drink."

"Sweetie, I work with ecstacy all day everyday. I think I know the side affects." Carmen folded her arms.

"Busted." Ronan added from the corner.

"I only took one pill." (Y/n) gave up on her excuse and just conceded.

"A whole pill? For your first time? Who gave it to you? Did you pay for it? You know ecstacy pills can be cut with some pretty nasty stuff."

(Y/n) made the executive decision not to mention the fact that it wasn't her first time taking MDMA. She also thought it best not to mention how she got ahold of it. "I don't know. Some girl gave it to me."

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