XLIII- cut short

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That weekend (Y/n) excitedly waited in the living room. She was waiting for Gianni to arrive so they could drive up to the mall for a date.

It was nothing too fancy, just dinner and a movie but she was still awaiting it happily, as was he.

"You guys better not fuck in the theatre." Ronan told her.

"Why would you say that? Of course we wouldn't." (Y/n) grimaced.

"Happens more often than you'd think." He muttered.

(Y/n) scoffed. "No. We're just going to have a nice normal date."

"Sure you are." Ronan grinned at her. "Make sure to use protection."

"Shut up, he's gonna be here any minute."

"Speak of the devil." Ronan pointed out of their front window and (Y/n) turned to see Gianni's car pulling up.

"I'll be home in the morning." She said as she got up.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, you're staying the night?" Her brother stopped her exit.

"Yes...? Mom said it was fine." (Y/n) glanced between Ronan and the door as she just really wanted to get in the car.

"Congrats, you're definitely losing your v-card tonight."

"You're disgusting." She said as her parting words.

"You really haven't gotten any better." (Y/n) snickered as Gianni missed his final basket.

"I thought I'd do at least a little better this time." He watched the last two seconds of the timer run out and his dazzling score of zero come up on the screen.
"Let's get out of the arcade, it smells like piss in here."

(Y/n) giggled at his somewhat accurate description and they walked out hand in hand towards the restaurant.

"I'm just warning you, it's not exactly gourmet dining."

"If you take me to the churro cart then I am actually going to dump you." (Y/n) joked.

"It's actually one step above that but keep your expectations around that level." He squeezed her hand.

"How romantic."

"You'll love it, trust me."

Soon enough they were sitting in a small store right in the west corner of the mall, it was so tiny that in all (Y/n)'s time coming to the mall she'd never even seen it.

It wasn't grimy or dirty per se, but it was the type of the place that looked like it would be. There were only five tables in there and two of them were occupied.

They looked over the limited menu of a few different types of pizza.

"I know what you're thinking but you're just gonna have to trust me on this one." Gianni reiterated.

"I do trust you, I just don't trust the health of safety of this place." (Y/n) said under her breath.

"Don't worry, I've never got food poisoning or nothing from here."

"Well, that's pretty much an expectation of any restaurant." (Y/n) kicked him lightly from under the table with a grin. "But I'll trust you."

"What do want to get?" Gianni asked.

"You seem to know what's good around here, I'll share whatever you want." She put the menu down.

"I'll just get a classic margherita, start off easy for you."

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