LVIII- faded

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"You're fine." Felix concluded and dropped her injured hand.

It was a Saturday and (Y/n) was hoping the scabs on her hand from punching the wall would get her out of working that night but her dad had deemed it good enough. She sighed outwardly.

"Oh, come on, you can't have actually thought that would work?" Felix taunted her with a laugh. "You're already all dolled up, you may as well."

(Y/n) didn't respond, there was no point in saying anything to Felix at this point. He was impossible to reason with.

"Your date for the night will be showing up any moment so make sure you get a nice smile on that pretty face of yours." He said.

(Y/n)'s countenance didn't change. "I'll smile when he gets here."

"He's not paying for you to be a miserable bitch." Felix kicked her under the table.

"He's not paying me at all, he's paying you so maybe you should fuck him instead."

Felix laughed loudly and for much longer than he should have. "You're funny!" His chuckles soon faded out and he gestured for her to upturn her lips.

(Y/n) did so hesitantly, just in the nick of time so it happened as the door was opened by her newest client.

"No way." Her fake smile went away in an instant when she saw who it was.

Hammond more than made up for her lost happy expression with the grin he wore. "Thanks for this, boss."

"Don't look so glum, sweet pea, he's using one of the rooms here so you'll probably be done before morning." Felix said.

(Y/n) sent her dad a glare. "I'm not doing this."

Felix tilted his head to the side and pouted, he didn't need to say anything to remind her of his part of the deal. She was saving Gianni's life by doing this and all he gave her for it was flack, then again he didn't know.

(Y/n) soured and got up.

Hammond was quick to take her arm. "My friends are gonna love you. We'll spend some time at the party and then we can go to the bedroom." He said suggestively.

This was going to be a long ass night.

(Y/n) wasn't sure if she was happy about the fact Hammond ignored her for most of the night. She sat next to him while he chatted eagerly with his friends.

She didn't really listen to a thing he was saying so maybe he was talking about her or even taking to her, but he didn't seem to mind that she wasn't engaging.

(Y/n) ended up drinking to pass the time she also figured it would make what was going to happen later that night go a little easier.

She drank so much in such a short space of time that she didn't even realise how drunk she had gotten until it all hit at once.

Hammond tugged her waist so she was sitting closer to him and (Y/n) put up no resistance, it would only get her in trouble.

He leaned down to take his first sloppy kiss of the night but pulled away with a grimace.

"How much have you had to drink?" He asked.

(Y/n) shrugged lazily.

Hammond just rolled his eyes and then pulled her to sit on his lap, wanting to show off his underage date to his friends.

For the next few minutes he and his friends made lewd comments about (Y/n) that mostly just blended into one with how wasted she was. She knew that she should've been angry but for the life of her couldn't do anything.

She hated this so much, they were touching her and she didn't like it. She wanted to be at home, she wanted her mom to hug her and tell her that everything was okay and this was just some terrible dream.

(Y/n)'s eyes locked with Felix's from across the room and he shot her a shit eating grin. God, she hated him so much.

"Let's take this upstairs, babe." Hammond suggested.

Not being able to do much about it anyway, (Y/n) took herself off of him and stumbled alongside him up the stairs.

"Meet me in the bedroom just past your dad's office. I gotta deal with something." He told her once the reached the staircase.

It took (Y/n) a moment to put his words together into a coherent sentance in her hand and once she had figured it out he was gone.

She used the banister to heave herself up and once she reached Felix's office she stopped.

Felix wasn't in there, she should destroy it again. It wasn't going to get her out of anything but if she wrekced his stuff enough maybe he'd give up on her.

(Y/n) haggardly pushed the door open and went over to his desk. She was about to sweep everything onto the floor but before she could something on the surface caught her attention.

It was her phone.

She picked it up, she still wasn't thinking straight and it was her lack of cohesive thought that led her to do what she did.

(Y/n) scrolled through her contacts and landed on Gianni. The lesson of never drunk calling your ex had never been more suitable.

But she called him all the same.

He picked up almost immediately.

"(Y/n)!" His voice was excited and eager.

"I'm- I'm a little drunk..." (Y/n)'s way of speaking made that clear enough without having to state it.

"Where are you? Are you safe?" Gianni quickly became concerned.

"I'm at my dad's, I-" (Y/n) sniffed loudly. "I don't want to be here. I hate him, baby."

Gianni's heart fluttered when she called him baby but he had to remind himself that she was drunk. "I can come get you."

"No, you can't. They wouldn't let you in... I can't stay on the phone for long, I have to work." (Y/n) was fighting off sleepiness as her speaking slowed.

"Work? Why are you working so late?"

"Dad makes me do it... he found out about us and he didn't like it... b-because you're a Carro and he's a Torres." She started to cry and Gianni could hear that clearly. He just wanted to make her feel better right that second.

"A Torres? Like Felix Torres?" He tried to get as many answers out of her when she was drunk since he knew she'd be telling the truth.

"He is Felix. I hate him... I hate him so much! You don't know what he makes me do. He said...he said..." Her cries were cutting her off.

"Go on, darling, say it."

"He said if I don't... if I- I don't prostitute for him then he'd kill you-" (Y/n) broke out into sobs. "I've seen f-four in the past month and I'm with my fifth tonight... he's- he's gonna be back for me soon..."

She heard the doorknob turning and before Gianni could say anything to her, (Y/n) hung up and dropped the phone.

"What are you doing in here?" Hammond marched in and grabbed (Y/n).

"I couldn't find the bedroom..." She lied as he dragged her away.

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