LXXVI- joy

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It had been about a week since Padgett died. (Y/n) had been in mourning, Gianni hated seeing her so upset but there was a positive side to it.

All the grief had left her in need of comfort and Gianni was the only person who could offer her said comfort. She'd wallow in her sadness all day so by the time he got back from school (Y/n) just needed someone, literally anyone, to keep her from spiralling.

She still wasn't being friendly with him per se... but things were definitely better between them than they had been.

Gianni had been looking forward to the weekend, it would be his first real opportunity to show (Y/n) his love for her now that she was more open to him.

Felix's words were still projecting themselves around his head, a constant fear that (Y/n) would never love him again after everything but Gianni was determined on proving him wrong.

"You need help with dinner?" (Y/n) offered as Gianni started to pull ingredients out of the larder.

He looked over to her. "If you'd like to, you can just relax if you prefer."

"I'll help you, I never get to cook anymore." She shrugged and made her way to the kitchen counter.

"Just let me handle the knives and heat and stuff." Gianni requested, subtly moving the chopping board and vegetable knife away from (Y/n).

"Damn, all the fun stuff?" She said sarcastically.

"I don't want you to hurt yourself." Gianni gazed at (Y/n) softly.

She started measuring out ingredients for the salad dressing as Gianni cut up the vegetables.

"If you need any help let me know." He spoke up, he didn't want (Y/n) to feel overwhelmed or anything.

"Gianni, I'm helping you. I'm literally just making a salad dressing, I think I'll be alright." There was a hint of a joking tone in her voice, Gianni almost dropped the knife he'd been cutting with. She hadn't joked with him since she got here, he was still waiting to see a smile on her face.

That was the most incredible sight he could ever see after all.

That smile of her's made every other sight dull in comparison. Waterfalls, starry skies and sunrises all paled in comparison to (Y/n)'s smile in Gianni's opinion.

He soon put the vegetables in the oven to roast them. "They should be done in ten minutes." Gianni said as he set a timer.

"I'm so excited, it looks really good." (Y/n) glanced at the picture in the recipe book that was showing what the completed meal should look like. "Let's hope ours is just as good."

"I wouldn't set your hopes too high." Gianni chuckled.

"Well, at least I know the salad dressing is gonna be amazing." She said playfully.

Gianni scoffed. "Right, because you're a professional chef."

"Padgett once gave my chicken salad a four out of ten which is pretty good coming from her, so..."

They both went quiet when (Y/n) mentioned Padgett, she instantly regretted bringing her up.

"I...uh... I'm sure it'll taste great." She continued to try and relive the tension.

Gianni was thankful that she made an effort to keep conversation going instead of just shutting it down as soon as Padgett came to mind.

"Here's to hoping."

(Y/n) and Gianni sat opposite each other at the dining table, both quite happily muching on the salad they'd put together.

"I'll tell you what we should do later." Gianni put his cutlery down. "We should watch (f/m) again." He proposed.

(Y/n) smiled gratefully at the gesture, a smile that sent Gianni's head spinning and heart singing. "That sounds like a great idea, I didn't know you had it here. If I did I would've watched it ten times already."

"I brought it down earlier this week and totally forgot to tell you." He admitted. "Don't watch it too many times otherwise your whole vocabulary will just be quotes from (f/m)."

"Would that be so bad?" She cocked her head to the side and laughed.

He grinned back at her, glad that (Y/n) was finally showing some happiness. "Are you enjoying the salad?" Gianni shifted the conversation.

(Y/n) nodded. "Yeah, you should try this recipe again."

Gianni thought about offering to feed her like he had done on their date but stopped himself, (Y/n) was only just warning up to him so he would take things slowly, let her set the pace and initiate anything further.

"I'll keep that in mind." He said. "(Y/n), can I ask you something?"

"You already did." She smirked.

Gianni shook his head lightly with a smile. "Okay, smartass, forget about it."

"No, ask me." (Y/n) put her hands in her lap.

"I...um... I just wanted to ask if..." Gianni tripped over his words as he tried to think of the best way to ask. "Do... Do you still love me?"

(Y/n) went dead still. Why would he ask that?

Gianni saw how the question had caught her off guard and he promptly went out the rectify his mistake. "Don't answer! Forget I said anything!"

(Y/n) pushed her face into her hands in embarrassment. "Why would you say that?" Her words came out muffled.

"I..I-I'm sorry." Gianni also regretted answering. "Let's just forget about it."

"Things actually seemed normal and then you had to go and say that..." (Y/n) removed her hands from her face to look at Gianni. "Do you want my answer?"

Gianni looked at her face closely, of course he messed this up. "I don't think I do... do you think I want to hear it?"

(Y/n) sighed loudly. "I really don't know what to say....I don't know if I love you or not Gianni. I know that's probably not what you were hoping to hear but-"

"It's okay, (Y/n), I expected it." He said shakily.

She inwardly cursed herself for acting too kind around him. Everytime he helped her when dealing with Padgett's death she forget that he was the cause for it. (Y/n) couldn't let herself forget the terrible things he'd done.

Gianni showed (Y/n) a weak smile. It pained him to hear her answer, he didn't know what he should've expected from her and honestly he was lucky that she was on the fence at all and it wasn't a flat out 'no'.

He just didn't want Felix to be right about them.

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