LX- fear

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As (Y/n) slowly woke up a killer headache hit her like a tidal wave. It wasn't helped by the fact that she was in motion.

"You're awake?" Gianni asked softly.

(Y/n) blinked a few times and then realised she was in his car. Then everything came back. He shot Hammond dead.

"Oh my god..." She shuddered. "My dad's gonna kill us both."

"He's won't touch us. I won't let him." Gianni assured her.

"He's a powerful man, maybe more powerful than your dad." (Y/n) said worriedly.

Gianni scowled, that struck a bit of a nerve with him. He didn't like the idea of Felix having the upper hand, he was so used to being able to use his dad to get anything.

"You don't need to worry about that. Please let me take care of everything." He didn't want (Y/n) concerning herself over anything, especially not this.

"Where are we going?" (Y/n) looked out of the window, they clearly hadn't been driving for very long since they were still in the woods.

"I was gonna take you to stay the night at my place." Gianni hoped she wouldn't ask to be taken home because that would just complicate his plan for her.

She lay her head back on the head rest. "How are you feeling?"

"I should be asking you that."

"You just killed someone, you must be feeling a bit..." (Y/n) trailed off. "I don't know! Different?"

Gianni shrugged. "He was going to hurt you, I don't feel bad about it."

"Yes, but something like this can really eat a person up inside." (Y/n) warned him.

Gianni doubted he'd ever feel guilty about killing Hammond, he had it coming plain and simple. But (Y/n) would think he was crazy if he said that so he kept it to himself.

The first thing Gianni did when he got home was give (Y/n) some water to help ease her head.

His parents weren't home and Michelle had gone to bed before he'd left the house, he could only hope that the two of them didn't wake her up.

(Y/n) drank gladly from the glass of water.

"Had you done anything with him? Before I got there?" Gianni asked her carefully.

"We kissed and he felt me up a bit over the clothes." She didn't want to look at Gianni, as much as she told herself that it wasn't her fault and she was doing it for him she still felt like a cheater.

Gianni regretted asking, he could tell that (Y/n) didn't want to talk about it and he honestly didn't want to hear it. He was just stuck on the fence between wanting her to tell him everything at once so he could comfort her properly and her going at her own pace so she didn't make herself sad.

"I don't know what I'm going to do." (Y/n) sighed. "He's going to find me."

"Do you have your phone with you?"

"No, I left it in my dad's office." She put the glass down on the counter. "I just want things to be normal."

Gianni couldn't have agreed with her more. He wanted things to be normal too and was still only just wrapping his head around the whole situation.

"How long have you known that Felix is your dad?" He asked as they walked up to his room.

"All my life. We always knew about Carro because mom worked there and she'd talk about Torres because it was relavent to her work. She never spoke about Felix though, they were never together, she was just a side piece and he got her pregnant twice." (Y/n) explained. "He got in contact with me last year and asked to meet me, so I told my mom and my brother that I had got a job but I actually went to see Felix. That was the first time I met him."

"When did he start blackmailing you?" Gianni held the door open for (Y/n).

"It was after our date at the mall, I knew he'd stalked me and my family in the past but I thought he had stopped at that point. He got one of his driver's to pick me up outside the mall and he told me how it was gonna be." (Y/n) flopped down onto his soft bed to look up at his ceiling, Gianni lay down next to her. "I guess the main thing I've been feeling throughout all of this is frustration."

Gianni put his arms around (Y/n) to hold her gently and she shuffled closer to him.

"What do you mean?" He muttered.

"It was just so frustrating. Usually when there's a problem there's a way out or at least a foreseeable end. With this, the ball was completely out of my court."

"A basketball metaphor? You really are drunk."

(Y/n) laughed a little a hit him lightly. "I'm not drunk anymore." She said softly, a happiness was in her voice that had been lost for sometime. "Anyway, you don't the right to come for me about basketball."

"Don't I?" Gianni teased her and then pressed a sweet kiss to her forehead. He was elated that she was smiling again though the better part of him knew it wouldn't last long so he should treasure it.

"Not at all." (Y/n) grinned and returned his kiss with on to the tip of his nose.

They stopped talking for a bit and just cuddled together, happy to be in each other's arms.

(Y/n) knew deep down that she should really address his behaviour surrounding the breakup, with the way he responded to it and what he did to Orlando. But right then she was too tired and too relieved.

She didn't want to discuss it because she still loved him... just not that part of him. But as long as he was happy and sweet then she could forget about what happened there.

"Wait, I don't think that metaphor was even about basketball. Isn't it tennis or something?" (Y/n) suddenly piped up.

"You got me there." Gianni chuckled, he shifted her off of him as much as it pained him to be without her touch.

"Where are you going?" (Y/n) whined with a pout.

"Do you want some more water?" He offered.

(Y/n) then sat up quickly and had to hold her head for a second to stop the rush.

"I'll take that as a yes. I'll be right back." Gianni placed a final kiss on top of (Y/n)'s head and then went to the kitchen.

He felt ill with how awful what he was going to do was. He was only protecting (Y/n), that was what he had to tell himself.

Gianni filled her glass with water and allowed a sleeping pill to dissolve into it. He'd need her asleep to put the rest of the plan in motion and to get her to the cabin.

He squinted at the water afterwards, there was a slight twinge of white to it but he doubted she'd be able to tell since the lights were low in his room as it was late.

"Drink up." He handed the concoction to (Y/n) who smiled up at him as she took it. He thought about how innocent and unsuspecting she was, she trusted him and this was probably the last time she would for a while.

(Y/n) hardly noticed the off taste, if she did she just owed it to minerals in the water.

They both lay back down together and (Y/n) could feel Gianni's heart beating at a fast pace. "You okay?" She asked in concern.

"Yep." He breathed out.

(Y/n) wondered what had him acting like this all of a sudden. He had seemed so confident that Felix wouldn't get to them but maybe this was harder on him than he was letting on. She nuzzled closer to him.

"We'll be okay, right?" Ever increasing sleepiness was obvious in her voice.

Gianni gulped and stroked over her hair delicately.

"I sure hope so."


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