XVIII- niceties

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(Y/n) allowed her legs to hang over the edge of roof, the cool wind was soothing against the sting on her cheek that still showed its presence with a now slightly faded pink mark.

"How are you holding up?"

A soft smile invaded her features when she heard Gianni's voice from behind her. "Fine. You?"

"Doesn't matter, I didn't get slapped." He said while walking over to their usual spot for lunch on the roof. "Can you please move away from the side... you make me uncomfortable."

"Am I really that depressing?" (Y/n) smirked as she shifted herself back. "This better?"

"Much better." Gianni sat down beside her. "How were your classes?"

"I kept getting weird looks, other than that they were fine. How was that test you had in physics?" She asked, taking a pack of chips out of her bag.

"I totally failed it. I thought I had it in the bag because the kid next to me was like hella smart but I couldn't get a good view with his noodle elbows in the way." He shook his head in disappointment. "Oh well. Don't need to know about the structure of an atom to run a drug operation, right?"

"It's still important for you to perform well in school." (Y/n) frowned at Gianni. "Haven't you ever considered not following in your dad's footsteps."

"It's just... there's a lot of pressure from his end... you wouldn't really get it." Gianni pulled one of (Y/n)'s chips out of the bag and frustratedly chewed at it.

(Y/n) wanted to jump in and tell him that she also had her dad bugging her over taking over from him one day but chose not to. No matter how badly she wanted to it was better for both their sakes for Gianni not to know that they were the children of rival mob leaders.

"Pressure how?" She decided instead to try and get a better grasp on his home life.

"It's just really important to him and mom that someone from the family takes over and with me being an only child they'd much rather it be me than one of my cousins or something." He elaborated. "I just feel like I have this massive weight on my shoulders and they're always expecting more than what I can give."

"What do you want to do with your life. Imagine you could do anything and they'd support you, what would you do?"

He looked out over at the view in contemplation, opening his mouth a few times as if to speak but always ended up shutting it.

"I... I don't know. I've never really felt like there were other options for me." He said sadly. "I guess I never really thought about it much because I've always known I was going to take over from him one day."

"Have you tried talking to them about it?" (Y/n) felt bad for Gianni. Sure, she had her dad wishing for similar things from her but she knew that Carmen would endlessly support any career path she chose.

"There's not really any point. It would only start conflict and I don't want to upset them." Gianni pulled his knees up to his chest defensively. "Every time I see my parents I get so scared because I know that's exactly how I'll end up: in a loveless marriage, in a career that I hate and a kid that I'm gonna do the exact same thing to."

(Y/n) put her hand over Gianni's and intertwined her fingers with his. "You can't let them dictate your life."

"They already do." He moped.

"Well, you can't let them anymore. Come on, you stood up for me today, now it's time for you to stand up for yourself!" She encouraged.

"That's easier said than done." Gianni didn't return the eager attitude she was shining his way.

"I hate seeing you so upset like this." (Y/n) pouted and rested her head on his shoulder.

As if the situation of her hand over his and hair partially over his face had only just hit, Gianni went bright red. He inhaled slowly, the smell of her shampoo entered his nose and he closed his eyes. 'What the hell am I doing?' He thought but he didn't move away.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled.

"Don't apologise for the way you're feeling." (Y/n) said softly back to him. For a few minutes, they stayed like that and stared over the town.

"What about you?" Gianni's voice came out croaky at first from neglecting to use it.

"What about me?" (Y/n) perked up slightly upon hearing him making conversation.

"What do you want to do in the future?"

"I have no idea. I know I want to go to college but I still have no clue what I want to study or where I want to go or what I'll do afterwards. I guess I'll figure it out as I go." She moved herself away from him which gave Gianni an undeniable sinking feeling that he tried his best to ignore.

"I'm sure you'll kick ass at whatever you decide to do." He grinned at her.

"Thanks." It was (Y/n)'s turn to blush as she looked away to hide it.

"You never considered following after either of your parents?"

"I'm not big on chemistry and that's kind of important for my mom's job." (Y/n) snickered. "I'm not big on drugs either."

"Fair enough." He took another handful of her chips. "You're pretty close with your mom, aren't you?"

(Y/n) tilted her head to the side in thought. "I guess so. We're not insanely close but she's a good mom. The nature of her job means that she has to work a lot so it's normally just me and Ronan in the house and my relationship with Ronan is... up and down lets just say."

"Do you ever stay with your dad?" Gianni asked quite casually, unaware of how strange the situation really was.

"I see him for a few hours a week but my mom and brother don't know about it. They like to pretend that he doesn't exist." (Y/n) now thought that maybe that was for good reason and wondered if they knew that he had been stalking them or had at least got someone to do it for him.

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt very exposed being up on the rooftop and shuffled further away from the edge.

"You alright there?" Gianni asked in confusion to address her sudden movement.

"I just realised how far down it is, you know with my murder-suicide dreams and that." (Y/n) lied through her teeth.

"Okay..." He was unsure of what she was saying but chose not the delve any deeper with it.

"Yellow car!"

"Oh fuck off, I didn't know that we started." (Y/n) rubbed onto the section of her arm that Orlando had punched.

"Well, now you do. That's one point to me." He said in victory.

"No way. We're both on zero so it's fair!" (Y/n) argued.

"Fine. I'm gonna win anyway." Orlando stuck his chin up into the air with a cocky beam.

(Y/n) chuckled and shook her head lightly. "You're probably right."

"How's your cheek by the way. I'm really sorry about what happened there." He said in a moment of sincerity.

"It didn't hurt that much, I just wish she'd back off."

"I tried to talk to her after but she was in a mood, I don't know what Gianni said to her but it really had her wound up." He quickly did a double take out the window because she thought he'd seen a yellow car but it was just a house that had been painted yellow. "Shit..."

"Worst part is that she's probably going to be at my house tonight. Hopefully she stays in Ronan's room and I don't need to see her." (Y/n) silently prayed that a breakup was on the horizon for her brother.

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