XXIV- clarity

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"One more picture!"

"This is just some party, not prom." (Y/n) groaned as her mother made her pose for yet another photo with Padgett.

"You girls just look so sweet! One more!" Carmen begged as she took a few blurry snapshots.

"This is so weird. No one does this." (Y/n) broke from her happy expression to roll her eyes.

"I think it's nice that you're doing this, Ms (L/n)." Padgett said sweetly.

"It is your first real party, (Y/n)." Ronan said from aside.

"See? I'll let you two go now." Carmen put her phone in her pocket. "I'll be sure to send those to your mother, Padgett."

"We'll be back by five-" (Y/n) was cut off as she grabbed her bag.

"Hold on. Make sure you've got your keys and your phone."

"I've got everything, mom."

"Remember what I told you to do if a guy gets handsy?" Carmen asked seriously.

"Go for the balls. I know, I know, can we go now?" (Y/n) smiled at her mother's antics and was glad that she cared but was simultaneously getting a bit impatient.

"Yes, I'll let you leave. Stay safe, let me know if you need me." The older woman gave her daughter a tight squeeze. "Keep each other out of trouble, okay?" She addressed the two of them, (Y/n) and Padgett nodded in agreement.

"Bye, mom! Bye, Ronan!" (Y/n) couldn't get out of the house fast enough, she clutched her bag containing the drugs tightly. It was the cause of her desire to leave as soon as possible.

"Calm down." Padgett nudged her as they walked to the bus stop. "You sweating like this is practically screaming that you're doing something you shouldn't be."

"Lord, don't remind me." (Y/n) peered in her bag, as if the pills would have disappeared between then and five minutes ago when she last checked.

Gianni sipped at the beer he'd been handed on the way in.

It was around eleven thirty and (Y/n) was yet to turn up. He didn't ordinarily love parties like these but this one seemed particularly unappealing, people kept trying to talk to him or join them to dance but (Y/n) was really the only reason he was there.

So he could pin his disinterest to her, things he used to enjoy seemed mundane in comparison. When he thought about hanging out with Josef, Arthur and Chip the time he spent doing anything with them would pale in contrast to simply standing next to (Y/n).

He'd never felt this way before. Not about any of his friends and certainly not about Padgett. The feelings were new and confusing.

Meanwhile, (Y/n) and Padgett walked in and were promptly greeted by Henry, the man of the hour.

"You got it?" He asked.

(Y/n) smiled, she was glad to get the drugs off her hands. She pulled the clear bag out of her bag and handed it to him.

"Take one, they're yours after all." He said over the music.

(Y/n) exchanged and look with Padgett. "Do you want to share?" She asked.

"No way, I'm having a whole pill!" Padgett squealed in excitement, diving her hand into the bag and pulling out a tablet and putting it straight into her mouth.

(Y/n) shrugged and figured she should take a whole one too, Padgett would be there to look out for her, right? She thanked Henry and placed the pill in her mouth.

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