LXVII- unusual date

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(Y/n) woke up with the sun. She cursed herself for forgetting the draw the blinds last night but then thought back to last night.

She didn't remember getting into bed.

Then it crashed back, she opened her eyes to see that she was on the couch and pressed underneath Gianni, neither of them were wearing anything.

She made a panicked attempt at getting out from under him but he gripped her body tighter in his state of unconsciousness.

(Y/n) saddened, she couldn't believe she'd been so irresponsible to get drunk and sleep with her kidnapper and ex boyfriend.

They had both been so upset the night before, they needed each other so badly and it translated into... this.

Luckily, Gianni woke up soon after. (Y/n) was nervous for his reaction to what happened.

"Gianni... are you okay?" (Y/n) asked carefully as he woke up.

"What...?" He groaned and grabbed his head to try to ease the pain in it. "It's so bright..."

"How are you feeling?" (Y/n) tried asking him again as it seemed he hadn't noticed their predicament yet.

When he did notice (Y/n) and his position, Gianni immediately went red as memories from the night before flooded his brain.

"Oh my god." He murmured. "Are you okay??"

(Y/n) wasn't sure how she was feeling. She was ashamed of herself for getting to that point but there wasn't much she could do about it now.

"I'm... fine. I'm really-"

"I'm so sorry." Gianni said.

"It's not your fault... we were both drunk, we both made the same mistake." (Y/n) cleared her throat. "Could you get off me? I want to get dressed."

"O-of course." Gianni looked away from (Y/n) as she walked away.

He was absolutely devastated. Their first time was supposed to be sweet and romantic, it would be their wedding night and she would love him. It wasn't supposed to be on a fifty year old couch while they were both drunk and miserable.

Gianni had tainted her, he had done exactly what he was protecting her from. He was supposed to hold hismelf back and he couldn't even do that.

What was even worse was how much he enjoyed it and how badly he wanted to do it again. He loved everything about it, the way she looked, the way she sounded, the way she felt- it was all pure perfection.

But he'd ruined it.

(Y/n) was feeling a bit guilty but not nearly as much as Gianni. That somehow made her feel worse.

Once the two of them had got showered and dressed, Gianni found it within him to make them some breakfast.

All he could think about was how someone else should be doing this, she shouldn't be eating food that had been handled by his filthy disgusting hands. His hands that had touched her in ways that she shouldn't have been touched. Not yet.

"Do you need any help?"

God, when he heard her voice the only thing that came to mind where the sounds she made last night. They were like pure music to his ears, and they were all for him... He had to stop thinking of her in this way, it was wrong.

"It's okay." He feigned a smile and looked back at (Y/n). Even now that she was fully clothed he just thought about how she looked when she wasn't.

Gianni wished he would drop dead. He felt so perverted that he despised himself.

"How many pancakes would you like?" Gianni asked.

"Two?" (Y/n) could tell how sorrowful Gianni was at the development and honestly felt bad for him. He was clearly very disturbed.

"Coming right up."

Later in the day Gianni took (Y/n) out for a walk through the forest.

He needed the fresh air and figured she did too as he assumed she stayed inside all day.

During the week prior, (Y/n) had been out in the woods on several days to try and build up her map of the area but Gianni obviously didn't know that.

"Are you cold?" He squeezed her hand lightly and rubbed his thumb over her's.

"No..." (Y/n) said vaguely. "I like it out here... in the woods I mean." She didn't want her meaning to be misunderstood as her liking it in the cabin.

"It's pretty nice to be away from it all." Gianni mused.

"I know you're upset about what happened last night-"

"Am I a bad boyfriend?" Gianni interrupted.

(Y/n) hesitated to answer. He knew what she wanted to say, he already knew what she was thinking.

"You don't need to say anything. I feel like a really terrible boyfriend right now, everything that happened yesterday was awful and now... I'm the one who's breaking down over everything but you're the one who's suffering. I wish you'd tell me how you really felt." He rambled.

"About yesterday?"

Gianni nodded. "I don't want you to think of me like those men your dad made you see... I don't want you to think I wanted to get you drunk and-"

"I know that you didn't want the night to end that way." (Y/n) sighed. "If I'm honest, I'm not all that mad about what happened. As long as you know that I don't want it to happen again and that it doesn't mean anything has changed concerning the way I feel about all of this. We were both drunk and made some bad decisions."

It stung Gianni to hear that it didn't mean anything to her. Sure, he wasn't happy that it happened before he was ready but he still valued the intimacy.

"I'm more hurt by you hitting me."

He had been so caught up in them having sex that Gianni had almost forgotten that he had also slapped (Y/n) in a fit of anger. Immediate regret flooded his senses, he was an even worse person than he thought.

He had not only taken her purity but he had hurt her. Gianni wanted to cry all over again but that was unfair on (Y/n), she was the one who should have been crying not him. He needed to take responsibility and not let his emotions get the best of him.

"I don't think I can ever apologize enough for that." He stopped walking. "I love and cherish you so much and I hated how you were treating me, b-but it wasn't your fault! You were adjusting... you still are and I'm going to be more understanding from now on. I swear to you that I'll never do anything to hurt you again."

(Y/n) nodded at him quickly, she wasn't going to forgive him but any anger had subsided.

"Can I hug you?" He asked.

"Well, you fucked me, didn't you?" (Y/n) said as a poorly timed joke. Neither of them laughed.

Gianni hugged her anyway and wondered to himself why he couldn't do anything right.

He couldn't fuck this up more than he already had. He loved her too much for that.

If he wanted to keep her safe then she needed to feel safe... and if she didn't feel safe around him then what was the fucking point of any of this?

(Y/n) still loved him and Gianni knew it, he just needed to find a way for her to show that love again.

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