XX- pills and potions

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(Y/n) was staring at Padgett's surprised face with wide eyes as she awaited her reaction.

"What do you mean by 'makes drugs'?" Padgett asked quietly.

"She... she has a lab in the back of her store where she makes them and then distributes them through Gianni's family." (Y/n) said.

"What type of drugs are we talking?" Padgett put her hand on her chin and (Y/n) immediately clocked what she was thinking.

"Oh, hell no, no way, I'm not giving you anything."

Padgett turned to (Y/n) desperately. "I'll make you a deal. If you get me some stuff all you need to do is bring it to a party next weekend, you'll be invited to the party, I'll stop bugging you about Gianni, we'll have a blast."

"I... I don't know." (Y/n) didn't really want to get in trouble with the law and even worse: her mother.

"What does she make?"

"Party drugs mostly, like uppers." (Y/n) answered.

"So like MDMA, right?" Padgett said excitedly, it was like she was on the stuff already. "You only need to bring a few tabs, you'll be the most popular girl there if you do and that's a guarantee."

(Y/n) bit on her lip. She couldn't lie and say that it didn't sound appealing. She'd never been to a party of that kind of nature apart from her dad's parties that she'd occasionally walked through. "Whose party is it?"

"Some guy called Henry, don't worry I'll get you in." Padgett spoke quickly and convincingly.

"Is Gianni gonna be there?" (Y/n) asked. Padgett noticeably deflated at the mention of her ex.

"He's definitely invited, but I don't know if he'll go." Padgett spotted the doubt that crossed (Y/n)'s at the possibility of Gianni not being there. "But he's no fun! I'll be there! So will Tia and Orlando!"

"I... I'll show you what she has. You might end up changing your mind." (Y/n) sighed out and walked over to the basement with Padgett eagerly following her.

There were boxes upon boxes of ecstasy pills lining the walls of the basement. Padgett's jaw practically hit the floor when she saw it.

"We keep some of her stock here in case there's a bust at her lab, that way mom won't be completely out of business." (Y/n) explained.

"How many tablets would you say is in one of those boxes?" Padgett's breath had gone short and it was clear how happy she was with this discovery.

"Like a hundred?" (Y/n) guessed. "But I'm not stealing a hundred pills from my mom, do you know how much this shit is worth?"

"Just bring ten to the party and everyone there will love you forever." Padgett pledged. "Oh my god, if you brought twenty then people would worship you."

"There are gonna be more people than that at the party, right?" (Y/n) didn't want to steal from her mother at all but much less if the pay out was going to be some shitty party with only twenty people there.

"No, anybody who's anybody is gonna be there but we'll only let people have quarter pills, it'll hit those lightweights hard enough. Plus, we won't give them to everyone." Padgett planned out in her head as if they were running some business.

"We're not charging. I'd feel bad."

"Nah, the payoff will be enough, trust me." Padgett assured her.

(Y/n) tisked and got one of the boxes and opened it, Padgett stood over her shoulder and was practically drooling over the bitter little pills.

"Can you get me one of the zip lock bags in the corner please?" (Y/n) asked politely as she counted out twenty pills into her hand.

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