XLIX- guiltless

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That Saturday night (Y/n) found herself back at her dad's place in the midst of a party. Tonight was the night that Orlando had booked her for, he said that he had bought the two of them a cheap hotel room because his parents would be way too suspicious if he brought (Y/n) home.

Felix sat in the dressing room with her as (Y/n)'s makeup was sloppily applied.

"This one's young you'll be glad to hear." He informed her. "High schooler like you."

(Y/n) didn't say anything, the last time she'd spoken back to her dad the woman doing her makeup slapped her across the face for moving her mouth.

"He's bringing you to some crap hotel so try not to get stabbed." Felix didn't look up from his phone where he was re-reading the correspondence between himself and Orlando.

The woman swiped a large amount of red lip gloss on (Y/n)'s lips to finish off the look.

"There we go, you look so pretty." Felix said in approval.

At this point, (Y/n) knew better than to go against whatever bullshit he was saying and just thanked the makeup artist.

"Let's have a little chat in my office, sweet pea." He slung his arm over (Y/n)'s shoulder and took her in the direction of his office.

They sat down and Felix looked at (Y/n) intently with a smile on his face that made (Y/n) feel uneasy.

"How are you doing with everything?" He asked.

(Y/n) widened her eyes, he must have been trying to get her to slip up.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm asking how you are. You're my daughter and I'm interested in how your life is going." He said casually.

(Y/n) was in utter disbelief at her dad's behaviour, constantly flip flopping between moods. She couldn't tell at this point if he hated her, loved her or hardly even cared for her at all.

"I'm not very happy at the moment." She answered. "But you probably already know that."

He nodded slowly. "This isn't a punishment, (Y/n), think of it as character building."

She scoffed. "Character building?"

"It's always better to look on the bright side of life." Felix's smile made her want to throw up.

"You're threatening to kill my boyfriend. I don't think there's a bright side." (Y/n) mumbled.

"Well, he's alive, isn't he? That means you're doing a good job."

"Can I ask you something? And can you be a hundred percent honest?" (Y/n) shuffled in the chair nervously.

"Sure thing." Felix answered. "I'm all ears."

"When we first started talking...did you... did you plan for me to do something wrong that you could hold over my head, was this always going to happen?" She couldn't meet his eyes as she asked.

"Why does it matter?"

"I just wanted the know if you've been using me all along or if you actually love me." (Y/n) posed the two options carefully.

"You're my daughter."

"That doesn't mean anything. Just because I'm your daughter doesn't mean you love me or give a shit about me." (Y/n) was beginning to worked up.

"Kid, whatever I say isn't gonna be what you wanna hear. I didn't have this planned out from day one but I'd be lying if I said I didn't think about it before I called you out." He sounded just as annoyed at her as she wasn't him. "And as for you asking if I love you or not..." Felix trailed off.

(Y/n) thought it best not to question him anymore. In the end, it didn't really matter if he loved her or not- he was terrible to her either way.

Even if he did love her, it wasn't enough to stop him from hurting her.

Orlando had an unidentifiable alcoholic drink in his hand. He had gone to his fair share of parties but this was a fair bit more intense than the ones thrown by his fellow students.

He was starting to slightly regret what he was doing as he suddenly became all too aware that he was surrounded by very dangerous people and stuck out like a sore thumb.

Thankfully, he could see the crowd breaking away to let someone through. The man who was parting the people around him was holding onto (Y/n)'s wrist. Orlando could safely assume that it was her father, Felix Torres.

"You're Orlando?" Felix stopped in front of him.

"Uh, yep." Orlando tried to sound confident in his words.

"I'll take half up front." Felix deadpanned.

Orlando pulled out some crumpled loose cash from his pocket, part of it was his own but he had to steal a bit from his parents to top it off.

(Y/n) tried to see how much it was as the handover happened but the money was promptly tucked away in her dad's pocket.

"Have a good time. I'll pick her up in the morning." Felix gave (Y/n) a small pat on the back as some warped form of encouragement before he left her.

"I really can't thank you enough for this." (Y/n) released the tension in her shoulders once Felix was out of eyeshot.

"It's not a problem." Orlando assured her. "You wanna go to the hotel?"

(Y/n) nodded eagerly and the two of them left together.

Gianni sat on the edge of his bed, hunched over his phone.

Yet another one of his calls to (Y/n) had gone to voicemail, all of his texts were unanswered. He wanted to go over to her house to check she was okay but... no, that would be weird, it was too late to just 'show up' and he promised himself he wouldn't break in again.

He tried her phone again, expecting to hear her automated message but instead the call was picked up.

"You really don't give up, do you?" It was a man's voice, that set Gianni even more on edge.

"Who is this?" He asked angrily.

"I'm (Y/n)'s father, please stop trying to call her, it's annoying."

"I'm her boyfriend, I just wanted to see if she was okay." Gianni calmed down a bit but was still greatly irritated.

"She's fine, she's at my place. But (Y/n)'s a little busy right now so maybe just hold out to the morning, kid." Felix said.

"Will you tell her that I love her?" He asked finally.

"Sure, whatever." After that, Felix hung up on the boy and Gianni switched his phone off.

(Y/n)'s dad gave him a bad feeling, that was for certain.

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