LI- caring

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(Y/n) hunched over her desk doing homework later that afternoon. She was actually very thankful to have this mundane task as it worked quite well to take her mind off things.

She'd spoken to Gianni earlier that day on the phone and he mentioned what Felix had said, (Y/n) really didn't like the idea of her dad talking to Gianni and possibly gathering information about him. Hell, he could've traced the call or something and now have someone hacking Gianni's GPS.

Everything Felix did now just rubbed her up the wrong way. It was clear that this was a game to him, he wanted things to get difficult for her, he wanted for people to question where she was disappearing off to and he probably wanted her to get found out at some point. Nothing would happen to him if he did get caught and then he would've won the game and (Y/n) would be tossed aside.

After working on her homework for a while, all the letters and numbers began to move and blur into one illegible mess on the page.

"Jeez." She put her head in her hands and massaged her temples to try and force her brain to properly function.

She could vaguely hear a knock from downstairs but didn't care much for it as Ronan or Carmen would get the door.

Her head seemed to beat and grow hot, (Y/n) had no clue what was wrong with her but it was like there was a short circuit in her brain and now she was seconds away from exploding.

She put the work away and decided that she'd finish it off another time when she wasn't feeling so out of it.

As she tucked the slip of paper into her file, her bedroom door opened up to show Gianni.

"What are you doing here?" (Y/n) nearly dropped her file when he entered her vision.

"Your mom let me in, can I come into your room?" He was trying his best not to push her at all, but at this point he needed to get to the bottom of what was happening between (Y/n) and her father.

She put her work away while nodding. "I still don't understand why you're here."

Gianni became visually disheartened. "You're my girlfriend and you always seem to have other stuff going on."

"I'm sorry about that, my dad's pretty needy." (Y/n) scratched her head awkwardly.

"Hey, I'm needy too." Gianni joked, he went up to (Y/n) and took her in by her waist, he didn't even notice the way she flinched unconsciously at the touch.

"I know you are!" She laughed, it almost felt like she could be normal for once and then Gianni started to lean down.

Alarm bells rang in (Y/n)'s mind, she used to love kissing him, she would've kissed him all day if she could. But not now. Not now her lips had been tainted by others.

Eventually their lips made contact, contact that (Y/n) allowed for all of one second before she pulled away, making the kiss far more chaste than Gianni had intended.

"How are things with your dad?" He asked her worriedly.

"Same as it has been for a while." (Y/n) answered as she rested her head on Gianni's chest and listened to his heartbeat, reminding herself that what she was doing was worth it.

"Is that a positive or negative thing?" Gianni questioned.

"It's... it's a thing that is separated from positivity and negativity." She said unclearly. In truth, she just wanted to tell him that it was negative. Very very negative. "We've been working on college applications." She lied.

"Oh, where are you thinking of going?" Gianni pulled away so they could speak about this properly but he kept his hands on her hips to maintain some contact between them.

(Y/n) was quick to release the fatal flaw in her plan that she hadn't actually started the application process. "I don't really know yet... there are a lot of places on the table and I don't have a favorite yet."

"You should stay around here, that's what I'm doing." Gianni was eager for them to attend to same school so their relationship wouldn't have to suffer through long distance or, god forbid, breaking up.

"Maybe I will..." She trailed off, not wanting to elaborate any further. "Part of me is questioning if I even want to go to college."

"Really?" Gianni raised an eyebrow inquisitively, this definitely struck him as strange as it was unlike (Y/n) for her to suddenly change big life plans.

"I'll probably end up going but just while I've been... applying with my dad, I've been second guessing things a lot. I'm really struggling with...the application process and I've just been thinking about running away to avoid, um, applying." Everytime she wanted to speak about the fucked up prostituting her dad had her doing, she was careful to talk about college applications. She was fully aware of how dramatic this sounded in regard to applying for colleges but she didn't care much.

"Running away?" Gianni now knew for sure that there was something more to what she was saying than just that. What on earth could make (Y/n) what to run away?

"It's a pipe dream really. It's never gonna happen but I just think about what it would be like to pack up my stuff and run off somewhere. Free from...everything." (Y/n) eyes widened in awe of the idea as she spoke.

"You'd bring me with you, right?" Gianni squeezed her hip lightly.

"Of course."

"Great, my parents own this little cabin super far out in the woods which is meant to be a safe house. We can totally start a new life out there." He added to the idea.

(Y/n) smiled and began to giggle. "And we can hunt for food and pick berries and learn how to communicate with animals."

"Right, and that way if anyone ever tried to find us our army animals would rip 'em to shreds." Gianni joked.

"That sounds perfect. When are we leaving?" She chuckled. "I'm kidding though, I could never run away. I'd miss my mom and Ronan too much."

While both of them were being playful about the whole thing, Gianni began to wonder if the idea was actually sound. It would take (Y/n) away from her father and 'college applications' or whatever was truly bothering her.

Of course he wouldn't incorporate every aspect, he'd probably commute into town and still do work or possibly find some way he could work from home in the cabin-

Gianni forced himself to stop thinking about it. (Y/n) didn't actually want to run away with him, she just wanted whatever stressful situation she was in to be over.

"It's a nice idea though."

(Y/n) had trouble sleeping that night, as she did most nights as of late.

The waiting between clients was almost worse than the act itself, not knowing what was going to happen but at the same time knowing exactly how it would end.

She needed to get away from it all somehow but the prospect of that happening was very unlikely.

Felix had the world under his thumb, there was no getting around him.

There didn't seem to be a point in trying anymore.

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