LXIII- liar

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Gianni didn't have a good night's sleep. Even if he wasn't constantly worrying about (Y/n), the couch was remarkably uncomfortable.

So when he had to get up at four thirty, that was just the rotten cherry on top of the shit pile.

He was dreading school and not for the usual reasons. Firstly, he was going to be without (Y/n) for hours on end and if that wasn't bad enough everyone thought she was dead. Gianni wasn't sure if he could stomach everyone talking about some fake car accident she'd been in.

He knew it wasn't real and he knew she'd be safe and sound back in the cabin but the scenario broke his heart. At least he wouldn't have to feign sadness.

Gianni tried to stay as quiet as possible when he had breakfast and got ready. He made some extra for (Y/n) and put it in a container that she could put in the microwave to heat up.

After that he ripped a page out of a notebook and wrote a note for (Y/n):

Dearest (Y/n),

By the time you wake up, I will already be at school. As I said yesterday, there is breakfast and lunch for you in some containers in the fridge. I've written the instructions for heating them up on the cover.

If you have any problems then page me, I hope you have a lovely day!

I haven't left yet and I miss you already, my darling.

All of my love,

He finished off the message with a heart drawn on the paper and he rested it outside of her room.

Gianni felt the very basic pager in his pocket, he knew it was old fashioned and a bit unconventional but it was the only way he could think for (Y/n) to be able to get hold of him while he was away most of the day without her being able to contact anyone else.

Before he left, he quietly opened the door to her bedroom. His original thinking was just to check in on her and then go but once his eyes laid on her while she was so peaceful, he couldn't help going in for more.

Gianni smiled down at her restful figure, even through the trouble they'd had he still felt incredibly lucky to have her. She was just so perfect.

He pressed an adoring kiss to her forehead and stroked her cheek tenderly.

"I'll see you later, my love~" He said sadly thinking of the hours and hours ahead where she'd be absent from his side.

The atmosphere of the school was altered. It was to be expected, one of their students had died.

The halls were quieter, teachers weren't as strict, students weren't as troublesome.

Oddly enough, Gianni didn't like it. Most of these people didn't give a shit about (Y/n), and now they thought she was dead and all of a sudden she was everyone's best friend.

Everyone was sympathetic towards him. Josef offered to talk to him about it but Gianni turned him down.

The only person he felt a bit bad for was Tia, he saw her crying her eyes out in the stairwell and was almost tempted to tell her that (Y/n) was still alive.

Orlando hadn't even shown up. Great. Gianni didn't want to see him anyway.

He supposed that the reaction that surprised him the most was Padgett's. While everyone else in the school was being particularly considerate to each other with all the raw emotions going around, Padgett was even crueller than usual.

For the first time since freshman year, Padgett had come to school without any makeup on. Puffy eyebags from a night of crying accented her face.

No one dared to confront her about it. They knew that Padgett and (Y/n) had hung out a few times but they didn't know it would affect her this badly.

Gianni felt unsettled during any class he shared with Padgett, she was glaring at him the entire time and wasn't even trying to be subtle about it.

Every now and then he'd look at her too, to check if she had stopped but her eyes kept burning into him. Padgett was pissed off, that was obvious enough. But Gianni didn't understand why that was so directed at him.

"Have you got a problem?" He asked her when the class was over.

She scowled at him silently, not getting up from her seat as everyone poured out of the classroom. Even the teacher left since it was lunch, leaving just the two of them in there.

The teacher didn't bother hurrying them alone since all the staff relapsed that this was a tough time.

"So? Why were you staring at me? I'm not interested, Padgett." Gianni sneered at her.

Padgett shot up from her chair. "You dick. Of course you think this is all about you! I'm not interested in you either, shitface."

"What's with the staring then? And you call me creepy..." He scoffed.

"Shut up!" She shouted at him. Padgett marched over to the door, but instead of leaving she slammed it shut. "I know you had something to do with this."

"What...are you talking about?" Now Gianni was a bit on edge.

"Her death. You had something to do with it... is that why you dated her? So you could kill her, I know your dads hate each other." Padgett hypothesised. "Or were you just so pissed that she dumped you that you murdered her and got your daddy to clean it up?"

Her theories weren't true but Padgett still knew far too much for Gianni's liking.

"H-how do you know about her dad?"

"She told me. While you two were still together, she told me her dad was selling her for sex and if she didn't do it he'd kill you. I told her to dump your sorry ass." Padgett spat.

"Wouldn't it make more sense that her dad had something to do with this? I love (Y/n), this is fucking devastating for me and frankly I think it's really disrespectful to-"

"To what? To accuse you of shit that I know you did? You're caught up in this somehow, I know you know what happened and I swear I'm gonna find out and I'm gonna take you down." Padgett was hysterical, it was the first time he was seeing her cry.

Gianni looked at her blankly and wondered what to do. He hated Padgett but she was clearly very upset by (Y/n)'s supposed death and was probably just trying to make sense of it.

He decided he'd let her off. For now.

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