LXII- coming clean

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(Y/n) asked Gianni to leave after she woke up. She needed to process what the hell was going on.

Her head felt like it was imploding, she never thought Gianni would do something so...extreme.

She had so many questions but it seemed the only way she'd get them answered was by asking Gianni, the problem being that she didn't really want to see him at that time.

All he'd said was that this was to keep her safe but (Y/n) didn't feel safe around him, not anymore. But she'd have to works things out at some point and it was better late than never.

Maybe this was all one big misunderstanding, he clearly didn't get the fact that he was the one Felix was going to kill, (Y/n) was pretty sure that despite her and her dad's differences he didn't care enough about her to have her killed.

She got up from the bed and walked out the door to see Gianni trying to get the television to work.

The sound of the door shutting alerted him that (Y/n) was there and his head shot up from the crossed wires. "Hey." He said with a soft smile.

As he approached her slowly, it was almost like she was a small wounded animal that he was trying to lure in.

"I need you to tell me what's going on." She dodged his touch when he tried to embrace her and walked off to the other side of the room to keep some distance between them.

"I already did..." Gianni said. "All you need to know is that I love you very much and that you need to stay here to be safe."

"You can't expect me to be okay with this!" (Y/n) exclaimed in irritation.

"I knew you were going to be like this." Gianni mumbled to himself.

"Be like what? React like a normal person?"

"Difficult! I'm protecting you from Felix, and from everyone else who wants to hurt you! Why can't you understand that?" Gianni wasn't exactly angry with her, he was just frustrated.

"I'm being difficult? Felix is targeting you, not me. You're not entitled to me, Gianni, you can't just lock me away. Did you even think about me? My family? My friends? The things I want to do with my life?" She was desperately trying to get him to see reason.

"You don't need any of that. You only need me. I saved you and you're being so inconsiderate."

(Y/n) didn't respond for a moment, a bit struck with what he had said. She frowned. "I didn't ask you to help me."

Gianni wanted to cry, but he wouldn't let that show. He knew he was in the wrong, if (Y/n) realised how fucking guilty and awful he felt then she'd manipulate that to her advantage.

"I couldn't just let him... do that to you." He walked a step closer to her and in turn she took a step back.

"Inconsiderate." She scoffed.

"That wasn't the word I was looking for." Gianni amended. "I can understand that you're frightened and upset... I'm still the same me, I still love you more than anything. I'll never hurt you."

"Can't you see that you're hurting me now?" (Y/n) settled her tone to a quieter and more level one. "I can't stay here and be happy. It's one or the other."

Gianni took in a deep breath. There she went again, playing at his emotions. "I'm sorry but I value your safety over your happiness. You'll learn to be happy here in time."

"Happiness isn't learned! Maybe if you keep me here long enough I'll start losing my mind enough to enjoy it here, but it'll never be real." (Y/n) told him sternly.

Gianni ignored her words, if he didn't then everything would fall apart. He wanted her to be happy and he wanted her to love him... but he also wanted her to be sane. He did realise that having all three of those would be a challenge but Gianni was nothing if not an optimist.

(Y/n) spent the rest of the day in the bedroom, she didn't even bother coming out for lunch and dinner.

As the outside grew darker there was eventually a small knock at the bedroom door.

"I don't want to see you." She called out.

"I'm just telling you that I'm going to sleep now, I've left some dinner outside the door for you. You can eat in there if you want, just try to get it while it's still hot." His voice came weakly from behind the door.

(Y/n) felt a twinge of guilt as he sounded like he'd been crying. But not enough guilt to say anything back to him.

Gianni soon realised that (Y/n) wasn't going to respond. "By the way, you probably won't see me until tomorrow evening as I need to leave quite early to get to school on time. I've made some stuff that you can heat up for breakfast and lunch tomorrow and I'll make you dinner when I get home." He explained to her.

"Alright." (Y/n) said quietly. "Thank you." She almost cursed at herself for thanking him in sheer polite instinct.

"I've got the TV working and there are lots of books and things to keep yourself busy with... Anyway, I hope you sleep well, darling. I'll see you tomorrow." He leaned against the door longingly, he had expected this but it still hurt so badly.

"Goodnight, Gianni." She replied.

He smiled a little, at least she wasn't ignoring him. He could only hope that she'd eat the food he left. With that, Gianni prepared himself for bed.

(Y/n) waited a few minutes before she opened the door a crack and picked up the plate of food he'd left her.

She ate it while sat on the bed, still processing what was going on.

Felix tapped his fingers on the desk. They called it an accident. (Y/n)'s 'death'.

"How terrible..." He mused.

A small smirk plastered across his face. She couldn't fool him, it was an honourable effort but he didn't believe that shit for a second.

Good for her.

"I'm very sorry to hear that, Carmen." He said to the phone. His old flame was crying hysterically, that must have been where (Y/n) got her constant whining from.

"You must stay strong for Ronan. He'll be relying on you." Felix didn't care much if his advice was effective or even carried out, he just needed to say something.

Shortly after, he hung up the phone and looked up to the ceiling thoughtfully.

He was sure Gianni had something to do with it. Gianni had killed Hammond after all and that alone rubbed Felix up the wrong way.

Maybe this was a better outcome than he had initially thought. He was sure he could still get to Gianni this way.

Yes, this was going to be interesting.

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