XV- kind of

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(f/f)= favorite flavor

(Y/n) slotted herself into the passenger seat of the car that was parked outside of her house.

"Thanks for picking me up." She said to Gianni with a sweet smile.

"It's no problem." He returned her grin.

"The best part about my brother giving me this stupid silent treatment is that he can't say shit about me going out." (Y/n) momentarily looked back at her front door, thinking of the stony punishment Ronan was giving her for daring to say anything remotely negative about Padgett.

"She's really got him whipped, huh?" Gianni nudged (Y/n) lightly and chuckled to himself despite the fact her had been like that with Padgett not long ago.

"You can say that again." It was clear from (Y/n)'s tone that she was completely fed up of this girl.

"You know what? For the rest of the day, neither of us are allowed to mention Padgett Reyes." He challenged, picking up on (Y/n)'s frustration.

"Deal." She nodded in agreement.

Gianni started up the car and began to drive to the mall. "God, I can't remember the last time I came here."

"Just warning you, it's still kind of a dump but in a sort of... charming way." She could almost picture the rundown place in her head where so much of her childhood was spent.

"Does it still smell like weed?" Gianni asked with a joking tone.

"You bet. One time I was in there so long I swear I got high." (Y/n) nodded with a giggle.

"The smell comes from that one churro place, the owner fucking hated me because I used to order with a different accent every time I went there." He remembered.

"No, that's mean, the guy who worked there was so nice. Shit churros but a nice guy." (Y/n) pouted.

"You and I clearly remember him very differently. I got banned for life so I hope you weren't banking on getting some churros today." Gianni said as he kept his eyes on the road.

"Well, I wasn't an asshole to him so he liked me." (Y/n) said triumphantly. "He always would let me exchange cash for change I could spend in the arcade."

"Oh yeah, back to this gambling problem you were talking about the other day." He shot her a grin.

"I don't have a problem." (Y/n) scoffed.

"Just don't spend all of my money, that's all I ask." He joked.

(Y/n)'s smile suddenly dropped. "I brought my own money, you don't have to pay for me."

"I want to." He replied blankly.

"Gianni, you-"

"I'm taking you out. Just let me pay, it's not a big deal." He cut her off.

(Y/n) quietly looked out of the window. She was still conflicted over her feelings for Gianni but knew that she didn't want anything to go down between them, not yet at least.

"It's not a date or anything, I just invited you out so it's regular practice for me to pay." He clarified as if he were reading her mind.

"Of course, I wouldn't dream of it." (Y/n) said.

"You're pretty shit at pac man." (Y/n) commented over the loud noise of all the operating machines and screaming children.

"Oh, shut up." Gianni shook his head as he got cornered by yet another ghost and his game finally ended. "It's not like you did much better."

my type ((yandere x reader))Where stories live. Discover now