VI- second place

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(Y/n) was breathing heavily, clutching her neck just as the rope had in her nightmare. She half expected there to be a purple bruise there in the morning from what had happened in her dream.

Of course, she hadn't been physically harmed but the pain had manifested in her head.

She lay back down slowly and stared upwards. She still couldn't figure out why she had these dreams depicting a strange cross between suicide and murder.

(Y/n) counted the seconds as they passed, trying to bore herself back to sleep but her mind was still whirring.

She threw the covers off of herself with a groan. The dark room that surrounded her did very little to ease her. She wished it could just be morning and she could occupy herself with real things to stop her from thinking about all the ways she could die.

(Y/n) picked her phone up from her nightstand and used it for a while just praying that this would help her in the slightest. She wasn't surprised when it didn't.

She reverted back to her old method of staring blankly upward and made an attempt at clearing her head but this came to no avail.

"What's wrong with me?" (Y/n) whined, gripping her head and curling up.

She shut her eyes tight, refusing to open them until all consciousness had left her.

She couldn't pin point the exact time it took for her to drift off but once she did, (Y/n) was thrust back into a new scenario.

(Y/n) found herself standing on the top of a building in a vague city. It certainly wasn't where she lived because all the buildings were skyscrapers up among the clouds but she couldn't place it as somewhere specific like New York or London. It just seemed to be some place her mind had created.

She was alone on the rooftop though she felt that familiar presence. Felix's presence.

Each step she took was possessed by him. She shouldn't have been so close to the edge, she wanted to turn around but she couldn't.

Her toes were almost hanging over the side when she stopped. Even as she slept her heart rate was picking up. She knew what was going to happen next. It was the same story every night and the ending never changed.

Her stomach rose to her throat when she fell, feeling weightless. It was almost like flying... until she hit the ground.

(Y/n)'s was glad to have her eyes shoot open in that moment. She shifted herself up and rubbed her face.

'I need fucking therapy.' She thought as she swung her legs over the side of the bed and got up.

Any desire she had to sleep that night was long gone and (Y/n) made her was downstairs to occupy herself for the night.

"What are you doing here?"

"I, uh, live here." When (Y/n) reached the kitchen she saw that she was not alone. Padgett also seemed to be heaving some trouble sleeping and had decided to come down. "I didn't know that you were staying tonight."

"You didn't answer my question." Padgett crossed her arms.

"Yes, I did..."

"Why are you in the kitchen??" Padgett rephrased her question with some added hostility in her tone.

"Can't sleep... what about you?" (Y/n) walked over to the cupboard and scanned over what food there was.

"Argument with Ronan. I'm sleeping down here to prove a point so I'd appreciate it if you went back to your hole or whatever." Padgett trailed behind (Y/n) and shut the cupboard door abruptly.

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