LIV- temper temper

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"Where are you off to?"

(Y/n) jumped when her brother suddenly spoke up as she was about to leave the house later that evening.

"Out." She answered.

"Clearly, I meant why are you going out? You seeing Gianni?" His tone turned to teasing at the end which disheartened (Y/n).

"Actually we... we broke up today."

Ronan's expression dropped and he apologetically looked at her. "That sucks, do you want to talk about it?"

"I was actually going to see Tia, I'll be back in a few hours." She fibbed, praying that her brother wouldn't see through her lie.

"Okay... I don't have to tell mom about this if you don't want me to." He said with a pitiful smile.

(Y/n) soured slightly, she didn't want to be pitied but at the same time was thankful for his offer.

"That sounds great, thank you. I'll see you later."

The whole bus ride and walk to her father's house, (Y/n) was mulling over what she was going to say about the break up and thinking of how he'd react. He wasn't expecting her after all.

Would he make her finish off any jobs he had lined up for her? Or would he cancel them all? Would he reveal it to be some sort of test? Maybe he'd be relieved. Or upset. Or anything really, that man was unpredictable at the best of times.

The house was fairly quiet when she got there which she was happy about. She dreaded navigating through those drug fuelled parties.

"Babe, you're back!" Hammond called out to her from across the room.

She just ignored him, he was too far away to do anything but it irked her that he was watching the door for her to enter.

She went up to Felix's office and cautiously knocked at the door incase he was in a meeting or on a calling.

"Come in."

(Y/n) tried to brush away any visual signs of nerves and then entered.

"Hello, dad."

A look of shock and confusion crossed Felix's face, it was something (Y/n) was unfamiliar with but did make her feel a little smug after all he'd done.

"(Y/n)? I didn't invite you." He didn't sound angry yet which made (Y/n) feel a little more hopeful about how this would turn out.

"I need to talk to you." She sat down and kept a neutral expression.

"Go ahead, next time a little notice would be nice." Felix pulled a cigar and lighter out of drawer and started to smoke it.

"I... I broke up with Gianni today." (Y/n) raised her chin proudly and waited for Felix's reaction.

He gave her a tight lipped smile and took a puff of his cigar, blowing the smoke to the right of him. "Good for you."

(Y/n) continued to stare him down while she raised her eyebrow expectantly.

Felix didn't even seem to notice her gaze as he continued to enjoy his cigar. After an excruciating ten seconds of silence he realised she was waiting for him.

"What are you waiting for? A kiss on the cheek?" He scoffed. "Can't your mom deal with the teen angst stuff?"

"He's not my boyfriend anymore, we can end this stupid game." (Y/n) said quickly, her heart was going at a mile a minute as every second seemed to stretch on for years.

"What are you talking about?" Felix asked with a smirk. He was fucking with her, but when was he not fucking with her?

"You know what I'm talking about. You made me work for you because of my relationship with Gianni but it's over now. So I can stop, right?"

Felix furrowed his brows inward and looked at her as if she were genuinely insane. "No."


"No. Why should you stop?" He questioned like what he was saying was obvious.

"W-why? Why? Because.... well, I'm not going to get into the many many moral reasons I should stop because I know morality is lost on you. But Gianni and I are over, that's the whole reason you're doing this." She spluttered out as if she could ever change his mind.

"You make me money, sweetie, Gianni's life is still on the line whether he's your boyfriend or not. If you don't like him anymore then I guess you won't care about me putting a bullet between his eyes." Felix smiled the whole way through but he wasn't happy, he was a man on the edge.

"Don't kill him!" (Y/n) had a moment of higher volume and then settled down to think of a way to talk herself out of this once and for all. "I... don't... understand. You say I make you money but I'm hardly getting jack shit! I make one hundred and fifty dollars for a night- that's nothing to you!"

"Who told you that?" Felix's smile fell away.

"Doesn't matter. So your argument for doing this makes no sense, do you want to tell me the truth or give me another poorly constructed lie? Are you just doing this because you hate me or something?"

"I don't hate you, (Y/n). I don't care that much if you don't believe me on that point but as far as I'm concerned I don't have to tell you anything. I still have the upper hand, I'll always have the upper hand so make this easier for yourself and just shut up and get on with it." For once in her life, (Y/n) was certain that Felix was being honest.

"There's really no way for me to stop this?" She asked with a slight voice break that made Fleix cringe.

"Afraid so, kid."

She looked at him for a bit longer, waiting for the moment when he told her that it was some big joke. As annoying as that would be she'd accept anything for this hell to be over.

When Felix didn't say anything for a while (Y/n) started shaking her head. She couldn't go through it again... and again and again and again. When was he even planning on stopping?!

In a moment of anger- no, not anger, lividity- she stood up, leaned over the desk, snatched the lit cigar out of Felix's mouth and put it out on his desk, leaving a burn mark.

He looked shocked for a moment before he changed his expression to one of boredom. "You're so dramatic, sweetie."

"You BASTARD!" She didn't care if he thought she was dramatic or overreacting, she swiped all the papers off of his desk. (Y/n) didn't give a shit for the consequences, she wanted Felix to feel the pain she did, even if it was just a fraction.

"Calm dow-"

A loud thump was heard as she punched his wall with enough force to create a hole, blood dripped from her knuckles but (Y/n) fought through the pain and continued to wreck his office while Felix just sat there, seemingly indifferent to the whole thing.

"You're such a FUCKING dickhead! I can't stand you!!!" She screeched as she ripped the wire for his desk lamp out of the socket and hurled it at his window.

(Y/n) knew fully well that she seemed absolutely crazy at that moment, and would later look back in shame but she needed to let out her anger in some form to stop herself from choking Felix right then and there.

"This temper tantrum is getting boring, dear. Make it more exciting or get out." He droned, now with a new cigar in his mouth.

(Y/n) panted heavily, sweat dripped from her forehead, tears dripped from her eyes and blood dripped from her hand. "How's this for exciting? You may claim to not hate me, but I hate you."

"I know, you can leave now."

She flared her nostrils, nothing she did was ever going to get to him, was it? She wasn't a person in his eyes, just some thing he could play with from time to time.

Of course he didn't hate her, he didn't care enough to hate her.

With that, (Y/n) left and slammed the door behind her.

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