II- loner

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"I didn't get your name." Gianni stated as they stopped outside the school.

It took (Y/n) a few seconds to clock that he was indeed talking to her. At first she was flattered but then realised that she should have been feeling thoroughly offended at the fact that they'd been going to the same school for over three years and he hadn't learned her name.

"Wait- don't tell me... it's (Y/n), right? (Y/n) (L/n)." He continued.

She just nodded, her mouth unable to work properly in that moment.

"I remember I thought you were pretty cute when I first saw you, but then you turned out to be mute or some shit." Gianni elaborated.

"I-I'm not mute." (Y/n) stammered with her finger weakly held up.

"Whatever." He shrugged and then turned away to catch up with his friends.

(Y/n) cursed under her breath, she hated the effect that he had on her. Luckily, he didn't seem overly creeped out by it but that's probably because all the girls in school acted like nervous wrecks when it came to him. It certainly didn't help that (Y/n) was naturally like that anyway.

It was true, every student with eyes would happily bed Gianni given the opportunity. Every student but one. That student being being his ex girlfriend, Padgett Reyes.

"Move." The commanding tone came from behind (Y/n).

"Sorry." She said quietly, shifting herself out of the way.

(Y/n) didn't have to look up to know who had just ordered her. It was strange having interacted with not only the most popular guy in school but also the most popular girl.

Padgett Reyes. Tanned skin accented with freckles, dark curling locks and pale green eyes all came naturally to the girl. As did her questionable attitude.

Her small gaggle of friends scurried behind her. Padgett's friend group was somewhat of the pendulum to Gianni's.

Gianni and his friends were known as bad boys who couldn't give a shit, Padgett and her friends practically controlled the way the school ran, they could start any rumour they wanted and it would spread like wild fire and be believed by all.

(Y/n) watched how the inner group of three students students drew in attention from others like they were magnets.

They were made up of their leader, Padgett Reyes, the head cheerleader, Fiona Hooper and boy-next-door type, Orlando Redmond.

A part of her was jealous and wondered what it would be like to live that way, to have the entire school at your beck and call.

"Oh and (Y/n)," Padgett flicked herself around to face the (h/c) girl.


"Tell your mom that I'm staying over this weekend." She batted her eyelashes in fake sweetness, her friends began to giggle even though nothing funny was happening.

"We're busy. You can't stay over... and why can't you get Ronan to speak to her, he's your boyfriend after all." (Y/n) said.

That was just the cherry on top, Padgett and Ronan had been dating for five months which meant that it wasn't rare for (Y/n) to see the biggest bitch in school wandering around her house. They didn't speak, they hardly ever looked at each other. But if they bumped into each other at school, Padgett enjoyed teasing (Y/n) by flaunting the relationship she knew she was uncomfortable with.

(Y/n) thought it was weird that her brother was dating someone in her year so they mostly left the subject alone, but there were times when it couldn't be avoided.

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