LXV- sourness

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(Y/n) had been careful to put Gianni's coat and shoes back where she found them and hide her notes away so he didn't know that she had been outside.

It was lucky that she came back when she did since less than thirty minutes later she heard the sound of Gianni's engine.

Gianni soon entered the cabin with a lazy smile. He was elated to see (Y/n) but at the same time was exhausted by how long the day was with an additional four hours of driving on top of school.

"How was your day?" He dropped his bag down and went to the couch where (Y/n) was sitting as she was still reading the book she'd started earlier.

"Fine." (Y/n) folded down the new page she was on and put the book down. She was hesitant to ask how his day was but her polite nature got the better of her. "How was yours?"

"School was strange... with everything. Padgett thinks I killed you which is just...ridiculous." Gianni explained awkwardly, he was only about three words into what he was saying when he realised that she probably didn't want to hear this.

(Y/n) had almost forgotten that everyone thought she was dead. She thought about how Carmen, Ronan, Tia and Orlando must have been feeling.

The part which stuck out to her was Padgett thinking Gianni had killed her, she wasn't that far off since he was technically responsible for her 'death'.

"Why did Padgett think that?" (Y/n) muttered.

"I don't know." Gianni shrugged, he did know but (Y/n) already disliked him enough as it was without knowing about him breaking into her room. "Was the food okay?"

(Y/n) nodded unenthusiastically.

"That's good..." Gianni trailed off, she really wasn't giving him much to work with conversation wise. "I see you've taken some of my stuff to wear." He mentioned.

"Sorry about that, it was either this, the dress my dad gave me or your pyjamas." (Y/n) scratched behind her ear nervously.

"It's fine, you look cute anyway." (Y/n) shifted uncomfortably at the compliment so Gianni decided to lay off. "It just reminded me that I should pick up some clothes for you. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow. Hey, I could also get some pizza from the mall to take out." He suggested.

"Are you sure you should be going to the mall?" (Y/n) questioned. "You know, with Felix and that."

Gianni knew he shouldn't have felt as flattered as he did. She still cared about him! In actual fact, the only reason she didn't want him to die was probably becuase if he did then she'd starve out here without her source of food.

"I'll be fine. I hope it wasn't too boring without me and you didn't miss me too much, I know I missed you, darling." He tried his hand at shuffling to sit a bit closer to her but (Y/n) just stood right up to his dismay. "The pager works so-"

"I don't really understand the pager. It just makes beeps." (Y/n) interrupted.

"It's Morse code." Gianni tried to hide his disappointment with her constantly moving away from him.

"I don't know Morse code." (Y/n) said with little emotion.

"There should be a sheet around here somewhere with all the letters. Maybe at lunch I can talk to you, I was so bored today becuase I had to eat at my old table. Everyone at that school is so much worse than you, hell, everyone in the world is so much worse than you." Gianni may have got a bit carried away with himself towards the end of that.

(Y/n) blinked at him a few times, she was unsure whether to accept the compliment or tell him that he what he was saying sounded just slightly insane. As a compromise, she said nothing at all.

Gianni gulped. Great, she was unhappy now. She was unhappy anyway but now it was worse becuase he had to go and say that. What was wrong with saying she was better than everyone else in the world? She was certainly better than anyone else he'd met. What was wrong with stating the truth?

"Shall I get started on dinner?" He offered to change the subject.

"If you want to." (Y/n) said carelessly. She picked her book back up and resumed reading it.

"Do you like it?" Gianni asked anxiously in regards to the meal he'd cooked for (Y/n). He knew he wasn't the greatest chef in the world but he wanted to get better for her since his was the only food she'd be eating.

(Y/n) looked up from her plate and nodded at him.

"Good, good." Gianni was audibly relieved with her answer, he understood that she wouldn't want to be singing his praises at that point in time and that was fine with him. He was just glad that she wasn't rejecting being fed.

Yes, her attitude was less than desirable but it could always be worse. She could've been screaming and fighting him trying to get away.

But luckily she was making it easy for him keep his cool... so long as she opened back up soon.

Though her wearing his clothes did get him a bit hot and bothered, but Gianni had to stop himself from thinking about (Y/n) in that way. Not only was it wrong and disgusting but it would only make things harder for him since it wouldn't be a while before she'd be comfortable enough with him and even longer until they were married.

"If you have any requests for meals then I'd be happy to-" He was quickly cut off.

"It's fine, really. Just do what you want."

The silence that hung around them was thick, Gianni was growing more and more annoyed at the way (Y/n) was shutting down every single thing he said.

He couldn't expect things to be how they were, but how could she expect to be happy when she wasn't trying.

"Can you at least try?" He sighed out.

"Pardon?" The two of them had been avoiding talking about the reality and gravity of the situation so it shocked (Y/n) when he brought it up.

"Can you try to talk to me instead of...this coldness. You're not cold, darling, you're warm and loving so please just... you say you won't be happy but you're not trying to be."

She scoffed and put her cutlery down with a clang. "That's fucking rich! You can't expect me to suddenly be all sunshine and rainbows because I 'try' to be. This is me trying, if you wanted to see how I really felt, I'd be out of that fucking door but I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. I think you're forgetting everything that's been happening in my life recently, I've been trying to be happy for the past month. It's harder than you think." (Y/n) ranted loudly.

Gianni went quiet at her outburst. There was no point in getting into an argument as neither of them would be budged by the other.

"I'm going to bed." She stood up quickly and made sure to slam the bedroom door behind her.

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