XXI- chummy

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(Y/n) blinked slowly as she tried to comprehend the words coming from the teacher's mouth. She was still coming off the MDMA she'd taken, Padgett's cure had helped but exhaustion was making itself very present.

She glimpsed at Padgett who was also in her math class, Padgett seemed to be absolutely fine and was happily chatting the the guy sitting next to her. (Y/n) wondered just how she did it though it was probably with the amount she used.

The sound of the bell was like a screwdriver straight into (Y/n)'s ear, she jolted in her seat with the shock of it.

Her classmates all got up and prepared to go to lunch as (Y/n) ran her hand lethargically over her face.

"Hey." Padgett put her hands on (Y/n)'s desk and loomed over her.

"Ah! You can't jump out of nowhere and scare me like that." (Y/n) didn't even see her approach.

"I spoke to Henry." Padgett completely ignored (Y/n)'s comment. "He's happy for you to come to the party."

"Okay... thanks." She nodded slowly.

"You're still coming down, aren't you?" Padgett asked with a smirk.

(Y/n) gave her an annoyed expression to answer her question.

"You'll be fine in a few hours... Carmen didn't notice did she?"

(Y/n) shook her head. "My mom just thinks I have a problem with sleep."

"Great, you should eat lunch with me. Henry will be there and it's good for you to meet him before the party." Padgett took (Y/n)'s hand and started to pull her out of the classroom.

"Hang on, I should tell Gianni. He'll be waiting for me." (Y/n) spoke as she was tugged through the door and out into the hallway.

"Ugh, he'll be fine. He's got the entire school willing to pay for the opportunity to have lunch with him, he won't miss you for one day." Padgett's grip increased and (Y/n) could tell that she didn't appreciate the mention of her ex.

"We normally eat up on the roof. I don't want him to be waiting up there for me."

"You eat on the roof? How quirky and original." Padgett said sarcastically.

"Just let me send him a text- ow! Stop pulling me so hard!"

Padgett reluctantly stopped in the middle of the hall, she released (Y/n) and impatiently tapped her foot as (Y/n) brought out her phone and sent Gianni a text.

(Y/n): Eating lunch with Padgett today (long story.) I'll explain later.

"You done?"


They went right back to their old dynamic of Padgett dragging (Y/n). She had no idea how Padgett could be like this with her, especially considering that yesterday morning she was slapping her and yesterday evening she was kissing her. Both were things that they definitely needed to discuss but Padgett didn't seem to want to.

(Y/n) felt herself being shoved into a seat, her eyes scanned the table as Padgett seated herself next to her. Tia and Orlando smiled at her kindly, there were also two other guys (one of whom must have been Henry) and another girl.

"This is (Y/n)." Padgett gestured to her. "(Y/n), this is Henry, Malcom and Allie."

(Y/n) waved at them, and they smiled back.

"So you're bringing the mandy?" Henry asked with a raised eyebrow.

"The... what?" (Y/n) squinted at him and wondered if her come down was affecting how she heard.

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