XII- try again

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(f/m)= favorite movie

"I missed you on the bus."

(Y/n) spun around from her locker to see Gianni ahead of her.

"I took the earlier bus, that's my regular bus anyway." She said, turning back to sort out her stuff.

"Well, I was thinking that we could exchange numbers. But then you weren't on the bus and I thought you weren't coming in and-" Gianni's rambling was cut off by (Y/n) laughing lightly.

"You can have my number, it's fine." (Y/n) held her hand out to take his phone so she could make herself a contact.

"How's your stomach?" He asked as she typed in her phone number.

Without looking up from his phone, (Y/n) shrugged. "It still hurts but it's getting better."

"That's g-" Gianni's speech was cut short by Chip calling his name from down the hall. He looked guiltily at (Y/n). "I've got to go."

"I get it." She smiled, she felt a hint of sadness that he was going but didn't let it show. She handed his phone back to him.

"Hey, maybe you could come back to my place after school." He suggested.

"Sounds good." (Y/n) lit up. "I'll see you in class."

"See you."

She walked him walk away with a light sigh.

"Sooooo.... Gianni?" Tia said suggestively from behind (Y/n).

"Oh, shut up."

Gianni and (Y/n) didn't really speak for the rest of the day. There wasn't much opportunity to since they didn't sit next to each other in any of their classes and she had lunch with Tia outside rather than in the cafeteria.

But she at least expected him to maybe regard her between classes. But no, he always had someone else to talk to and it would be too much of an embarrassment to be seen with her.

(Y/n) tapped her foot expectantly as she waited for Gianni outside the school. Part of her felt like he was going to blow her off and this was just some mean practical joke to get back at her for what she had said at lunch.

Why had she been so stupid? Why would someone like him waste his time with someone like her? He wasn't ever going to give her the time of day and she had been an idiot for thinking he ever would.

Shaking her head, (Y/n) gave up on waiting and began to embark down the steps in front of her school.

"Where are you off to?" Gianni asked from the door.

She halted her steps. "Down...the steps?" She said hesitantly.

"Come on, we're still going back to my house, right?" He shone her a bright smile.

"I guess... what time is your bus?"

"Oh, I was thinking we could walk. Just because... my friends don't know I'm hanging out with you yet. I'll tell them but just-"

"Right. As long as you're not a million miles away then that's fine." (Y/n) felt some mild frustration but pushed it down.

The two set off down the street. Gianni was careful to keep some distance between them, the entire reason he'd shown up late was because he was hoping that most of the school would have already left and wouldn't know that he was spending time with (Y/n).

"...and this is my room." Gianni said as he concluded the in depth tour of his house.

"Holy shit... This is like the size of the entire first floor of my house." (Y/n) gasped out in awe as she circled the large space.

An enormous flat screen hung on the wall, his bed was king size and a four poster. Every single detail about it was top of the line.

"Well, surely your mom earns a pretty penny from what she does." Gianni watched (Y/n) examine the trinkets around his room.

"She keeps us going but she's got so many people working for her that it's not nearly as lucrative as it could be. She overpays her workers if anything but it's her business, her choice." (Y/n) shrugged. "I don't mind. But it must be cool living like this."

"I guess it's pretty cool, it's all I know though." Gianni said. "What do you want to do?"

(Y/n)'s eyes continued to scan over his belongings and then she spotted his movie collection. "We could watch something." She suggested.

"I'm down for that." He beamed. "It's your choice."

(Y/n) walked over to the shelf. "I think you're the only person left who still uses DVDs, just get Netflix or something."

"I'm not gonna let them go to waste." He responded. "I can't get on board with all that streaming stuff, there's always too much choice."

(Y/n) hummed in agreement as she continued to flick through the movies until her eyes landed on one title and she grinned widely. "No way do you have (f/m)! This is literally the best!"

"You like (f/m)?" Gianni raised an eyebrow and went to set up his DVD player.

"It's only my favourite movie of all time. I can remember the first time I watched it and I just died from how amazing it was." (Y/n) laughed as she looked over the familiar case.

"I've never told anyone this but one time I was sick and I watched it three times back to back." Gianni admitted.

"You're joking." (Y/n) said with a smirk.

"Not even a little bit. Now give me the disk and I can get this going."

(Y/n) pushed the disk out of the case and handed it to Gianni. "I haven't watched it in a while but I'll bet I can still recite half the lines."

"Half? Try all." He snatched the disk with a smug look and put it into the DVD player.

"Well, I don't mean half exactly... I could say them all if I wanted to." (Y/n) rambled.

"Oh yeah? Prove it."

"You're on."

"I'll hand it to you, I wasn't expecting you to be able to say the entire monologue from memory." (Y/n) said to Gianni as he walked her to her house after they had spent a few hours at his.

"I used to watch (f/m) religiously, despite that I was a little surprised too. I never even set out to learn it, I guess it just stuck in my head." Gianni mused.

They'd been pleasantly strolling in the late afternoon light for twenty minutes at that point and were growing close to (Y/n)'s house.

"The first time I saw it I went to the movies with my mom. It was that really crappy cinema in the mall and I remember we went to one of those photo booth things and did all those shitty arcade games." He reminisced.

"How dare you call those arcade games shitty." (Y/n) said in mock horror. "I used to absolutely destroy my brother on those. Ronan is still convinced that I'm gonna end up addicted to gambling with the amount of time I used to spend on those games as a kid."

"We should go there, put your skills to the test." Gianni stopped in the street and prepared to lead (Y/n) to the mall. He was sad to have her leaving and wanted a reason to extend the time he was spending with her.

"Not now. I've got homework, and Ronan is expecting me home." (Y/n) said with an apologetic smile. "How about this weekend?"

"That would be great." Gianni settled for seeing her later in the week, it would have to do.

The pair kept on walking and continued to discuss the movie, the arcade games and other meaningless and light-hearted topics that brought them closer together.

"Alright, this is me. I'll see you tomorrow." (Y/n) stopped outside her house.

Gianni said goodbye and watched her go into the small house, he let out a sigh and continued to look at the door for a few moments before he walked away.

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