Chapter 21: Haste Makes Waste

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Footsteps grew louder by the second. A woman made her way through a grandiose hallway. The hallway comprised a large, red carpet, and chandeliers made from an unknown substance hung from the deep ceiling.

The chandeliers added to the ominous atmosphere of the hall. The flames of the chandeliers' candles didn't move, as if time didn't flow. Any by-passer who walked this hallway would've felt the tension it radiated. It would be veracious to agree since the most dangerous woman in all of existence was responsible for the echoes of the footsteps.

She finally approached a double door the length of castle gates, they were huge.

The woman didn't cease walking, as she knew beforehand that the doors would open automatically. The energy particles that escaped the room were immense. The woman was showered with an aura on the verge of bringing her down to despair.

A voice spoke out from the far side of the space. The person behind the voice sat on a throne. The woman kneeled when she drew close.

"Welcome, daughter."

The woman was followed up by two mysterious figures who also kneeled before the voice as soon as they neared.

All three simultaneously greeted...

"Greetings, father."


"Father, I've released him from the seal. But he managed to escape with the help of humans and as of now, he's under the protection of a powerful god. Making a move now would be stupid."

Said the dark-clothed woman.

"Hmm... enlighten me."

"As you know, father, Ignis has been reincarnated as a weak human by the name, Horu Sakaki. Currently, the boy has shown to have access to Ignis' magic..."

"He's alive then. How ludicrous... Hmm... I've decided."

The voice continued. Not long after, the three figures were tasked with a mission and were dismissed.

"Head out."

"Immediately, father."

The figures said simultaneously. They were extremely disciplined.

"Ignis... I will bring you back, you will serve me this time, and you shall serve me well."

Entities of evil had left the most frightening of sites. It seemed that a catastrophe was about to take place sooner or later...


It had only been a week since Horu 'joined forces' with Kaede. The relationship between the two was a total mystery. The duo had nearly cleared the Tower of Challenges, defeated many teams, monsters, and cleared many floors. Until finally, they reached the 99th. The final floor of which the challenge inside they had to brave and overcome.

"Gates? That's weird. We've seen doors in some of the previous floors, but gates?"

Horu asked while scratching the back of his head.

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