Chapter 37: Reason For Living

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In one of the many dungeons of the Abyss occurred a phenomenon that made nearly everybody present quiver.

Shockwaves with powerful force thrashed the desolate area where a dragon had been residing for centuries.

That same dragon just received a taste of a young girl's power.

The dragon staggered back whilst in the air after Yara appeared before his nose and punched it on its abdomen.

Her speed and power were unreasonable.

"Horu! If she doesn't stop discharging so much energy, she'll die! Horu!!"

Kaede yelled at Horu from the distance that the windstorm had made.

Debris made from soil and solid material got carried by the storm at a high velocity.

Horu zoned out as it was the first time he'd seen another human use raw magic on such a destructive scale.

In reality, Kaede could've wiped out the entire dungeon in the blink of an eye, albeit Horu hadn't willed for her to use raw magic in front of others.

His goal was to at least lead as normal of life at the FMA as he could, despite already having made more than enough trouble.

This is absolutely insane. What the hell got her so riled up?

Horu was, as always, oblivious to the feelings of females. Despite having a decent looking appearance, he had almost no social skills.

I gotta do something! If this keeps up, then...

Horu thought as he took a step forwards, nodding toward Kaede, indicating that he was going to keep his word.

Earlier, Horu had declared his determination in taking responsibility for the situation.

And one thing was for certain.

No matter what situation. No matter how crazy things will seem. Even if I'll suffer between life and death, I will always keep my word, especially for Kaede. I messed up once... and I won't do it a—

Horu's magic betrayed him when he fell from the platform, resulting in Ignis having to save him at the spur of the moment.

It was a hard task to complete since Horu got gravely injured. This time, he was going to make amends for the loss.

But it was already too late.

"How amusing. A feeble human raging as a tribute to the loss of her close companion. I shall teach you what it means to declare war on a dragon, you witless pest!"

The dragon seized Yara by the same arm she used to strike it and followed up with a vertical movement.

It lunged the girl to the ground.

Barely a second later, Yara crashed into the surface with massive velocity.

The dragon was sure that the impact had killed the girl, but little did he know...

...It was entirely incorrect.

"You took Ghaza... from me... I won't... get defeated until... THE MOMENT I MURDER YOU, YOU MONSTER!"

Yara raised both arms as a ball of compressed air swirled above her palms.

The air molecules around her manifested into a globe of air infused with energy.

The humanoid dragon gazed sharply at Yara charging her attack and hadn't braced itself for impact in the slightest.

She gritted her teeth and glared at the dragon with all of her hatred kept up inside of her.

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