Chapter 25: Together

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The FMA.

An elite academy with students from all over the globe. The school was located on a remote island called Furrèl, east of Japan. The island itself was shielded from outsiders—mainly those without the affinity for magic—by an illusory mist that contained many dangers.

A new school year had started and as usual, a lot of new students enrolled at the academy. A trio of new students you know all too well made their way to their first period of the year.

The Tower of Challenge which apexed above Furrèl was in ruins. The collapse of the sky-scraping tower was disastrous. The FMA had blown tons of funding money on the reconstruction of the tower.

Not only was the disaster financial. The magic that held the dimensions of the tower together could no longer get casted again. There was no method to truly restore the Tower of Challenge.

The FMA had lost its symbol and pride.

Aegis had ordered the construction workers to prioritize building a replacement for his office.

However, his office interior was created and powered by his magic so it remained the same.

When Kaede and Horu had the meeting with Aegis, they were surprised to enter the same office.

Horu figured Aegis was powerful, but when he revealed that he was a god, the case about the office interior still being intact made sense.

"My magic is flexible. I am authorized to utilize the Skills that the rest of the gods created. I can also sustain the magic of others. That's how the Tower of Challenge was able to keep producing infinite dimensions."

"You didn't create the tower?"

"It was another god's doing. A rather magnificently skilled one at that. His name is Hypnos, the God of Imagination. As a gift for helping him a long time ago, he created the tower."

"A god of imagination... created infinite dimensions?"

"See, we gods have authority over certain concepts in life. You of all people should know that... Artemis."

She was shocked.

Artemis had discretion in mind ever since she started looking for Horu. Currently, two people discovered her identity.

This was bad, but she knew that hiding such a thing from the God of Knowledge was futile.

"W-well, I've lived in solitude ever since I was created. Horu is the only mortal that survived after looking at me... fully. So I don't know much about gods. During the war, I was mostly protected by my subordinates so I didn't get to see many of my allies."

Kaede explained as she avoided Aegis's piercing gaze.

It was true that Pablo and many other magicians survived after looking at her. However, the curse got more dangerous as Artemis revealed more skin. Hence, the reason why Horu went full-on suicidal when Artemis got naked.

"Now that it crossed my mind... where were you during the war?"

Kaede pointed at Aegis as he finished writing an email on the computer stationed at his desk

"I guess I haven't told you yet..."



Both Kaede and Horu looked confused as they awaited for Aegis to answer the question.

"I was once human."

Those words were heavier than they should've been. Kaede's eyes widened as she just heard the impossible. Horu was astonished, but the fact of him originally being a human came as a surprise, as well.

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