Chapter 2: Unresolved Feelings

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A couple of days after that unusually, uncomfortable event at that café, Horu's daily school life commenced.

Well, what was left of it. He was in his third year of high-school and at the time, there were only a few weeks left before the graduation exams.

Which meant of course...




"...Studying! HA-HA—"

He burst out in laughter but completely forgot that he was on a public bus. The boy used public transport to go to school since he hated walking; purchasing new means of transportation was just way too expensive.

Even though, his school was just a few stops from his house.

Arrived, Horu stood in front of the school gates, waiting for a certain someone to jump on his back and greet him with thunderous joy, as always.

But today, things were different.


Guess I really fucked it up badly last Friday, huh.

"By the way..."

Horu grabbed his oversized smartphone out of his pocket to see the time.

It was then.


How long... had I been standing here? Shit!

With all the force of his legs, Horu sprinted through the entrance; the stairs; the first floor, and...

"You're late."

His teacher pointed at the clock on the wall behind him.

It was '9:07'.

"I'm sorry, I'm so—"

He hindered Horu with a cold voice.

"I don't care about your sorry excuse. Now, go sit down."

With his schoolbag in his arms, he headed to his seat and sat down by the window on the far, left side of the classroom.

Usually, when one was late during class, everyone present tended to stare at them.

As if they were a celebrity.

Horu grabbed his books, but the only thing he concentrated on wasn't related to school in any way.

It was her; Kaede Umazugawa.

She sat at the desk next to his. The morning sunlight shone on her like a spotlight. Her beauty was surreal.

What happened to me all of a sudden? I have never felt this feeling before.

Why does she look so... pretty... all of a sudden?

Is it just me?

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