Chapter 34: S-Rank Boss

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"Haah... Haaheh... What... the fuck?!"

A white-haired teenager despaired as he ran out of breath. In front of him was a monstrous entity.

The entity was the cause of the teenager's injuries. His left shoulder was dislocated and multiple parts of his body were fractured.

His black school uniform was torn and his face was swollen. He slumped his body forward, hoping to regain a tiny portion of his stamina.

However, he was too beat up and could barely cast any skills.

He was defeated.

"Foolish human... You dare enter my lair and disturb my rest?"

The monstrous entity took a bite from a fresh corpse's neck. The corpse was one of the two friends that the white-haired teenager carried with him. He realized that being stubborn and straying from his class was a grave mistake.

"You monster... You ate him!"

"Oh... this was your confidant?"

Munch! Ptooey!

The winged monster took a bite out of a human it held in its clutches, only to spit out a large lump of flesh.

The white-haired onlooker could only wallow in despair as his friend got torn to pieces.

"He tastes sickening. This might even upset my stomach. You, on the other hand, seem full of energy and... aroma."

The entity licked its maws as it stared the white-haired human down.

"Try me."


"You guys think that they're gonna be all right?"

The same girl who bawled in her friend's arms got concerned over the delinquent of the class and his friends.

Her name was Yara Kouki, a Japanese girl at the age of 17. She had brown, long hair that she usually wore in pigtails. She was the shortest and youngest of the class, which gave her a cute appeal.

Yara was an Air Magic-user but spent her time hanging out with friends rather than improving her skill.

Most students in their second years would've already made 19 years old. There was nobody in class that disliked her solely due to her cuteness, and her age.

In a way, she was the beacon that held the atmosphere in the class to a positive level. The same happened when Allen was about to pop bullets of light into Horu's body.

"If Allen has access to a such a skill as Lustrous Armaments... then their chance of succeeding increases. However, it depends on the strength of the monsters they face on that path. For all we know, there may be two bosses instead of one."

Said the boy in glasses. He was one of the students that weren't Japanese. He was dark-skinned; had a faded haircut; and wore glasses, which he adjusted nearly every time he spoke. He was a stereotypical intellectual.

His name was Martin Blue.

He owned the top grades of the class and spent all of his time studying.

He used a rare magic type; Mind Magic.

The class paved their way through the path on the left of the bifurcate, whereas Allen and his two friends took the one on the right.

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