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sitting silent, tears streaming down her cheeks flow said nothing for a moment as cameron questioned her. tuning him out she just didn't think she could live herself. bringing her hands up to her face she went to wipe her tears not even ashamed for crying because she just knew she did the right thing. she did what was best for her, but damn if she didn't think it was the wrong decision. if it wasn't going to haunt her for the rest of her life.

"flow. talk to me" cam' begged hating to see her cry. "what happened in there ?" he asked needing an answer. needing to know what went on in that room.

bringing her hand up to her cheeks flow wiped the tears from her face still staring out the window as her free hand clung to her cardigan hiding her stomach that was protruding already. "what did they do ?" cameron pressed knowing it must of been some tragic shit if she was carrying on the way she was.

"nothing" flow answered him turning to face him. "nothing ?" cameron repeated. "what chu' mean nothing ?" he asked. "they didn't do anything. i didn't let them ...i just couldn't" she told him. "i couldn't abort the baby" she revealed to him.

falling silent cameron sat there giving her a long and hard stare.

feeling numb at his silence, flow begun to cry again knowing it probably wasn't what he wanted to hear. knowing he wouldn't understand, knowing he wouldn't comfort her.

"i am sorry" she cried to him. "i just couldn't go through with it. i know i just ..just can't live with myself if i do it" she told him knowing she could never. knowing that if she had done it she would be a wreck.

turning away from her cameron started up the car, unable to say anything. pulling out of the parking lot he pulled off as flow continued to cry his mind not even close being where it should have been

"what is up with you cam' ?" madison questioned him as he was distant as of late. "what ?" cameron asked tearing his vision from the t.v screen even though he wasn't watching it at all.

"i asked what is up with you ? i mean you haven't said much tonight. you ain't all up on me , like whats good ?" madison asked. "oh nothing" cameron lied his mind on flow and her decision.

"oh you sure ?" madison questioned him. "yeah" he answered his thoughts drifting back to the problem at hand immediately. keeping his attention on madison as she talked, cameron's mind wasn't even focusing on what she was saying.

the only thing his mind was penny-ing was flow. flow and her decision. sighing to himself he couldn't believe that she had decided to keep the baby. then again he didn't want her to give up in the first place. but at the same time he knew he wasn't ready for a child. they weren't ready for one.

after all, they were still some what kids themselves. neither of them didn't know anything about taking care of a baby. especially him. he hardly knew how to wash his own damn laundry let alone care for another being.

letting his mind drift off to flow and how she had reacted when she came out of the clinic his heart could not help but dip. she looked like someone had died. then again it seemed like a piece of her did.

feeling guilt beginning to wash over him he knew he should have probably called her and asked her how she was doing since the last time he had spoke to her was when he dropped her home from the clinic. but he didn't know what to say to her. to be honest he didn't know how to handle the situation. and maybe it was due to the fact that he didn't know her at all really.

all he really knew about flow was how she looked and that she went to the same school as him and that she was friends with shay. anything other than that was a mystery to him. therefore, he didn't know how to act towards her. he didn't know how to reach out to her seeing as how she seemed so tough and distant.

then again, she probably didn't even want him to show her any pity. she probably didn't even want him to be a part the child's life because the way she had acted when he dropped her off was as if it was the final goodbye. and she did tell him that if he wanted to walk away that he could have- she would raise the baby on her own

running his hand over his fade cameron felt like he should have been glad that she was giving him a pass, but he could not be content with that. unlike most men his age or rather young men he couldn't live with knowing he had a kid on the way and not care for it. his father didn't do that to him so why should he have done it to his own ?

letting out a deep sigh he knew he needed to call her. he needed to talk to her. needed to let her know that he was going to help her. after all, he was just as responsible for that night as she was if not more.

"are you listening to me ?" madison asked him getting annoyed with him zoning out on her. snapping back into reality cameron shook his head. "my bad maddy. look i'm going to hit you up later alright" he told her rising to his feet.

staring at him lost madison went to go ask him where he was going. picking up his phone cameron headed out her dorm suite with not much as another word. flow heavy on his brain

she knew it was a matter of time before her father would find her out. she knew it was only for so long she could go around eating down the place and throwing up before he caught on to her. so it didn't even come as a surprise when he asked her straight up if she was pregnant.

letting the yes slip from her list flow couldn't lie to her father. she couldn't look him dead in his eyes and not tell him the truth knowing she was planning on keeping the baby.

watching him as she waited for him to blow up on her flow sat there her appetite lost.

"who is the father ?" winston asked her looking her dead in her eyes. "this boy i go to school with" she answered. "and does he know that you are ?" he asked her.

nodding her head yes, flow wondered why he wasn't losing it as she was sure he would have. "is he planning on helping you ?" winston asked. shaking her head no, flow knew cameron wasn't. she hadn't heard from him since he dropped her home so she figured more or less he didn't want anything to do with the baby, not that that was a surprise. she knew that from the jump.

nodding his head winston allowed the news to sink in. "so i take it your going to have an abortion right ?" he asked flow assuming that it was what she was going to do. after all, keeping the baby was not an option.

falling silent at that flow could not agree with him. hearing nothing winston waited for her to say yes.

"what you don't have the money for it ?" he asked her thinking that was the issue. "that is okay i will give you the money. however much it is" he reassured her.

shaking her head no flow had to oblige to that. "then what is it ?" he questioned. looking at her father it pained her to almost say the words as she knew he would probably blow gasket at her answer.

"your not planning on keeping it are you ?" he asked almost wanting to laugh. keeping a terse expression on her face flow said nothing as her father's expression was mocking her.

"come on flow. come on" winston chuckled. "you didn't think that you could raise this baby on your own let alone in my house" he asked her. "i ..i d-" cutting her off with a chuckle winston felt as if it wasn't up for discussion.

"i am not asking you. i am telling you, telling you that your going to get an abortion. you not raising no child up in my house. none. " he spoke in finality.

watching her father as he stood up from the dining room chair flow wanted to oblige him but could not as he told her that she was getting one. as he went off on her about her future and all the sacrifices that he had made to give her the life she was living

"we gon' get the appointment. and you gon' do it. you too young" he told flow as he placed his dishes in the sink. "and if you don't do it you gon find somewhere else to live. i don't care where" he told flow walking out the kitchen and saying nothing more.

beginning to cry flow now knew she had no choice. really didn't have one

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