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"talk to me." angie begged of cameron as he sat in front of her fully mute showing no signs that he was there with them. 

"please cameron. say something, anything" she begged of him tears falling from her eyes as she was so hurt seeing him the way he was. "baby, please" she begged of him kneeling before him but getting the same response as everyone else nothing 

"cameron please talk to us" carly begged falling beside her brother wishing she could get something out of him. just a simple word. 

"son, please talk to us" james begged of him as he sat down in front of him his usually calm demeanor shaken as he feared for his son. 

"there is no point" brandon told them "he isn't going to say anything" he hissed as he like them had been trying for days to get cameron to speak to him, but getting nothing out of him as he just on silent

getting up when his family begun to discuss getting professional help cameron pushed pass them as he didn't want to hear it. didn't want to hear anything from anybody or at least them as none of their words or professional help could fix the way he was feeling 

cutting his eyes when he heard a knock on the door cameron laid there in his bed unmoving for a second as anger rushed through his veins. closing his eyes for a second he tried to calm himself down as he knew even though his emotions was awry that the wrong thing do was to take out what he was feeling on his family. collecting himself he decided not to tell whoever on the other end to leave him the fuck alone. instead he opted to stay silent, figuring maybe they would get the hint. 

laying there as the person banged on the door cameron felt his heart beginning to beat faster as rage consumed him. jumping out of the bed as he could not take it anymore he ran towards the door dragging it open 

"LEAVE ME THE FU-" stopping when he saw arie at the door stricken with panic, so much that the things she had in her hand fell to the floor. looking up at her father frozen with fear her face fell as her lips quivered. 

"arie" cameron called her name 

"i am sorry" she apologized tears flooding her cheeks immediately as she assumed that cameron was angry with her. turning around she went to go run in the opposite direction away from him, but he grabbed her. 

"i am sorry i didn't know it was you pooty" cameron told her taking her up into his arms and walking back into his bedroom slamming the door. "i am sorry . so sorry" he apologized to her as he rubbed her back to soothe her 

"so your not mad at me ?" arie asked him

"no. pooty i could never be mad at you" cameron told her 

"so your still my bestest friend ?" arie asked him looking into his eyes as she ran her hand under her nose sniffling. 

"yes i am still your bestest friend. i am always going to be your bestest friend" he reassured her "no matter what

"promise ?" she asked him pushing out her pinky. 

"i super duper pinky promise" cameron told her taking her pinky with his own and sealing his promise to her. 

"daddy ?" 

"yes arie" 

"can i have a hug" she questioned him 

"of course" cameron answered her as she wrapped her arms around him the best that she could. closing his eyes cameron held on to her as he couldn't explain how much he needed it as much as she did. biting down on his lip he fought back the tears at how she reassured him that no matter what she would love him by her simple hug which made him feel good, but somehow bad as he was not sure now if he was deserving of such an unconditional love 

"cameron" angie called as she stood on the other end of the door dressed in black from head to toe. 

"cam' " she called again softly knocking against the door hoping he would answer but heard nothing "cameron we're going to be late" she told him as the service for isabella was going to start in less than a half an hour


"i am not going" he spoke cutting her off as she went to bang on his door again. 


"i am not going " he repeated himself pulling open the door "just go without me and tell them i send my condolences" 


"just go" cameron somewhat shouted

falling back angie just raised her hand up as she knew not what to say. slamming his door close cameron just decided to shut out the world 

"where is he ?" angie questioned shouting at brandon as he was the last person to see cameron. 

"i don't know" brandon told her raising his hand up having no idea where cameron could be 
"he is not answering his phone" james told her as he had been calling cameron over and over repeatedly, but getting no answer. 

"maybe we should call the police" carly suggested 

"OH MY GOD" angie sobbed at carly mentioning that fearing the worse but knowing it was the best thing to do as cameron had been missing for hours and no one had a clue about his whereabouts 

looking down at his phone cameron ignored the calls once again as he didn't want to hear from anybody.

looking up at the sky as thunder clouds hovered over him he then peered back down at the head stone that belonged to isabella. bringing his hand up he ran it over his face as the feeling of hurt, heart ache and pain took a hold of him. 

taking a kneel down at her grave side cameron just stared at it and stared at the date. dropping the flowers that he had in his hand he brought his hand back up running it over his chin as he couldn't believe what a short life she had had. as he could not believe how attached he become to her even though he knew it was inevitable. 

biting down on his lip as he fought back the tears he couldn't believe all that had happened in the few months that she was alive. closing his eyes as he realized how much things had fallen a part in the short few months he couldn't help but blame himself as if it weren't for him he would have probably have everything that he once did. 

then again that is just how he had ended up in the said predicament as his guilt had eaten him once he found out that isabella was his and could not help but feel like shit when he found out she was so sick. though he had nothing to do with her being a sickly baby he felt so wrong for disowning her. so wrong for the way things had transpired between him and her mother that he just wanted to be there, however as a result he lost the other half of him. 

and though he did not mean to it just sort of happened as he had felt that flow would not understand. as he felt like he could not turn to her and expect her to be there for him not when his infidelity was the cause of the problems that lied between them. and even though a part of him knew that flow was not that way, it was the way things were as she had made it very clear that she would resent isabella way before her birth. 

running his hand underneath his nose cameron sniffled as he told himself that there was no excuse for how he had let things fall a part. 
letting his head hang as he felt rain drops begin to fall on him cameron couldn't even move as there was no feelings within his limbs. 

kneeling there he just allowed the rain to soak him as he wallowed in grief 

staying unmoving as he was now on his feet when the the rain drops had stopped falling on him and felt someone behind him cameron stayed there for a second as he figured it was drew knowing he was not prepared to face her.

feeling a warm feeling run through his body when he felt his hand being taken into hers cameron then turned to her, but was shocked when he saw flow instead. 

looking at her he scrambled for something to say. 

"you don't have to say anything." she told him "we'll stay here as long as you need to" she smiled at him holding the umbrella over his head sheltering him from the rain 

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