life flash

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"so is she singing about cam' ?" shay questioned turning down the radio as they came to a stop light.

"i don't know" flow hunched her shoulder as she had not a clue as to whether or not the song that drew was singing was about cameron.

"flow, can i ask you something" shay questioned.

"you just did" flow chuckled. throwing flow a side eye shay then hissed.

"anyways. are you really okay with this chick having his baby, if it is really is his ? especially with how she is?" shay questioned as she had been meaning to ask flow for a while, but the timing just never seemed right.

hunching her shoulders flow didn't really know how to answer shay's question. "i mean sometimes when i think about it it really bothers me but really and truly i just feel like i have to deal with it. it makes no sense to get up in arms about it because it is happening. and really there is nothing that can be done until the baby is born. we won't know if it is his until then ya'know so i just don't give it much thought. furthermore, i understand"

"understand what ?" shay questioned

"why she acts the way she does"

"you UNDERSTAND why she acts the way she does ?" shay questioned flow

"yeah i mean perhaps she really did love him ya'know. and i don't want to sound ill or bitchy but i just think she is bitter. things didn't turn out the way she had intended for them to. she probably thought through out it all him and were going to be together. and i mean i have to be honest with myself while cameron was with her i am sure he was telling her all sorts of shit to make her believe he loved her or something. because we know how he has a way with words. so she probably -no she believed him. and i know how it is to believe somebody, to be so in love and put your trust in them to only get hurt. and that is just what she is hurt. she is hurt. hurt and bitter. but hey that is just how the cookie crumbles" flow hunched her shoulders "but i guess" flow widened her eyes just over the whole thing with drew as she couldn't even let her bother her because there was really more important things she had to worry about.

"hmmm" shay shook her head. "i am telling you flow better you than me man. you are one trooper." shay shook her head "cause' had it been me that hoe would not have a mouth to tell the tales she do. hmmmph" shay huffed

hunching her shoulders didn't feel the need to do all of that. "shay there is no point in going toe to toe with her. at the end of the day i know i am going home to my kid and cameron and that is all that really matters to me. besides i never been the type to fight. i am a lover"

"like hell you know if push were to come to shove you would deck that bitch flow." shay laughed. laughing it was all flow could do as she knew if it were ever to really come down to it she probably would. but that was if drew had ever pushed her to her limit

"if the kid is yours are you going to take care of it ?" flow asked cameron.

turning around cameron almost dropped the fishing rod out of his hands as he was caught off guard with the question. "huh ?" he questioned as if he did not hear her.

throwing him a glare flow knew he had heard her.

"i said if the baby is yours are you going to take care of it ?" flow questioned him once again repeating herself.

"do you want me to ?" cameron asked her.

"what do you mean if i want you to ?" flow asked him perplexed with his answer.

"i mean if you don't want me to have anything to do with her i wouldn't -" stopping himself upon the look that flow was throwing his way cameron felt as if it was to best to because obviously his answer wasn't right.

"it is not whether or not i want you to. i want to know if you have any intentions on taking care of the baby" flow told him

"with all honesty" cameron spoke " i mean yeah. like if it is my kid i want to take care of it. i mean at the end of the day it is what is. i can't fault the kid for the predicament ya' know" cameron hunched his shoulders as he knew in his heart that if the kid were his he would want to take care of it.

"okay" flow told him getting up. turning her back when she heard her own fishing rod making noise flow jumped up "i think i caught something" she announced. coming over to her cameron went to go check it.

reeling in the line cameron tried his hardest to tackle the fish on the end. "PUT SOME MUSCLE INTO TO IT" flow told him

"i am" cameron told her "this shit must be big"

laughing hysterically once cameron pulled in the line only to see a small fish on the other end flow was dying. "the fuck is this" cameron cursed upon seeing the fish. laughing harder at his expression flow was near tears as she eased back on the railing trying to hold herself up.

"shit isn't funny" he spoke turning to where flow was. looking around when he didn't see her cameron was lost for a second until he heard her screaming his name. looking into the water cameron's heart plummeted to his chest as he saw flow beating her hands against the water.

"STOP THE FUCKING BOAT" he screamed in a fit of panic as he could see flow's head being submerged underneath the water. grabbing the life vest that was on the side of the boat cameron jumped in without thinking twice as flow's body was getting pulled deeper and deeper down by the currents

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