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"and it kills me..to know how much i really love you. so much i want to ooo ooohh to you oo ooo" flow sung out with melanie as she did an encore performance at the restaurant. "hmmmph" she called up raising her left hand in the air and her right hand on her heart, swaying her head- feeling the words. closing her eyes she sung along with melanie feeling the emotions running deep in her bones as she could relate to the song.

"bravo BRAVO" she clapped when melanie finished shaking her head as melanie had manage to do it again. taking back her seat when melanie was finished and came off of the stage flow reached for her glass only to notice everyone staring at her.

"what ?" she questioned

"nothing." big jim and tiny answered

"you was really feeling that shit weren't you ?" cameron asked saying what they all were thinking. "had us thinking you wrote the song for a minute" he then laughed causing big jim and tiny to do the same. letting out the laughter they were holding in.

"you damn right i was feeling it. she was singing the shit out of that. and boy if she wasn't right" flow shook her head

"with what ?" cameron questioned

"how love kills you. how sometimes you just want to take the person and just UGH" flow told him wrapping her hands around his neck .

"well you don't really have to choke me" he told her placing his hand on the very spot she had grabbed when she removed it.

"i'm just trying to drive a point home"

"yeah by killing me" cameron told her

"believe me if i wanted to i would have done it a long time ago" flow retorted turning back to her glass "cause' we know ..hmmm" she just shook her head not even wanting to get into that, but not even needing to as cameron was well aware that he had messed up greatly

"oh yeah he gave me this collage of ticket stubs from things that we did together for the first time. like going to the movies, the first restaurant he took me, the fair and in the very middle was a picture of our first kiss that he took on his phone.it was just so cute." flow cooed as she told melanie of the gift she received from cameron on their one month anniversary.

"aww i didn't know you had that in you" melanie smiled shoving cameron's shoulder playfully as he blushed.

"you know i try. i try" he nodded his head running his hand over his chin unable to take the big smile he had on his face off.

"that is a good look. you actually put some thought into it other than running out there and buying some roses." mealnie complimented him.

"hey i had to come correct cause' i knew she loved sentimental things." cameron spoke looking into flow's eyes.

"that is so sweet. i wish more men were like that. i only had one guy who didn't just run out and buy something for an anniversary or valentines. and it is the guy i am currently talking to. he got jason mraz to dedicate 'i'm yours' to us during one of his shows"

"nuh huh. how cool that was me and cam's song." flow smiled

"really ?" melanie questioned

"YES. i kid you not every time we were in the car and going to kiss or something it would come on."

"wow" melanie nodded her head. "i guess that really is yaull song"

"yeah it really was. it was my ringtone for a minute" cameron shook his head " everybody knew flow was calling when they heard that song boy. had me in training looking like a fool. hell this one time we were at the mall and she went into another store, this gay boy came at me trying to see what was up with me cause' he heard the song playing on my phone."

"oh yeah" flow laughed as she remembered the instance. "he was so serious with wanting to get at cameron. like i swear he was stalking us"

"forreal" cameron cosigned

"awe man. that was a funny day" flow shook her head wiping the tears from her eyes

"it really was. and that was the same day we met that old couple"

"which old couple ?" flow asked.

"you don't remember them. they had been together for like sixty something years. and they told us we reminded them so much of themselves when they were younger ? you don't remember that. how can you forget the lady with the painted on eye brows and the man with the pimp cane ?" he asked her trying to jog her memory

"OH. the stephens ?" flow asked

"yeah them" cameron nodded his head.

"oh my gosh yeah how could i forget them ?" she questioned herself. "oh they were such a cool couple. very wise." flow nodded her head

"yeah they were." cameron agreed .

going to go say something else flow paused in mid-sentence as her phone rung. sending the call to voice-mail she turned her attention back towards the table.

"my bad" she apologized to them.

"what a ring tone" melanie chuckled at hearing flow's ring tone which was arie talking or attempting to talk.

"oh it is our daughter" flow told her "i got her saying her first words which of course were daddy and pooter." flow told melanie.

"oh yeah arie" she smiled "i met her like twice but that is when she was a little ol' thing. i bet she is big now.can i see her ?" she asked flow reaching for flow's cell phone. handing it to melanie, flow allowed her to see the picture of arie that was on her screen.

"she is such a pretty baby. awee look at the dress she has on" melanie gushed at how adorable arie was. "she is beautiful" she told them

"thank you" they spoke in union.

looking at one another cameron and flow just laughed instantly.

"oh you two should have more. you make great babies" melanie told them.

"that is what i've been trying to tell her. but she ain't having it" cameron hunched his shoulders.

"oh why not ? you guys have all the requirements to make a great big family"

"and what is that ?" flow asked melanie.

"that good ol' kind of love." she answered.

"ol' kind of love ?" flow then questioned.

"yeah" melanie shook her head

"i don't get how that has to do with making a family." flow told her a bit lost

"oh. well my grandma use to say all the time that people who have good ol' love makes a great big family because she believes not everyone should have kids. anyways, thats another story. but the good ol' kind of love she talked about was the kind where you could look at two people and you could see how much love they held for each other. when you notice this thing about them that i can't quite put into words what it is, but you and cameron have it." melanie told her

"like i am looking at you two and i see exactly what my grandma was talking about. like how you guys interact and talk there is a whole lot of love just ...i don't know how to explain it. but i just see how in love you two are with one another and i am kind of jealous. " melanie told her laughing.

falling silent at her words flow didn't know what to say. turning to cameron to look at him to see if she could see what melanie was talking about flow was still at a lost.

"see there it is" she told them pointing at their faces.

"what ?" flow asked turning around to her

"you guys just do this thing with your faces" she told them

looking at cameron, flow stared into his eyes trying to figure out what the hell melanie was talking about, what she was seeing. turning around when she felt a weird feeling wash over that she couldn't explain flow felt as if she had butterflies. reaching for her drink immediately she placed it to her lips casting her eyes down on the table as she had not felt what she felt in a long time. sipping her drink she sat there a sea of emotions within her as she now remembered why she fell in love with him, and that is exactly what he had hoped for

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