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"so i need a list from you two" angie told them.

"for ?" flow and cameron asked

"for the baby shower. duh" she told them looking at them.

"OH" flow chimed as it completely slipped her mind. then again, her baby shower was the last thing on her mind as she was busy with other things. like keeping up with all the expenses of living on her own. she couldn't believe how fast the bills came. as soon as her and cameron paid one, then another set came in the mail. and not to mention the fact that she was getting use to living with cameron as she found out many things about him that she did not know before or failed to notice.

"yeah. i need that by friday so i can send out the r.s.v.ps"

"what we need to send out r.s.v.ps for ?" cameron asked

"so we know how many people coming."

"well i can already tell you it isn't going to be a lot for me. i am only inviting brandon, taylor and maybe one or two other people"

"why ? what happened to all of your other friends like sydney ? your basketball team mates and your other friends."

looking at his mother cameron gave her a look as if she was crazy. "i only want my close friends here. i don't want a whole bunch of dick riders around me or rather anything that have to do with my kid" cameron told her knowing how his associates could get. knowing that if he invited them next thing all of the baby shower would be on face book and around school and he just didn't want to deal with that. didn't want to be bothered with rumors and all the foolishness that came along with them.

"alrighty then" angie shook her head. "how about you flow ?" she asked.

"well i can't think of anyone i really want to be there, but my grandmother. and a few cousins and maybe one or two friends from high school .oh and my dad's girlfriend" flow told her.

"well, what about your mom ?" angie then asked.

looking at angie flow almost choked on her drink as she had just put it to her lips. "i'm sorry" she apologized as she wiped off some of what had spilled on her. "but i don't think ..i don't know about her"

"what do you mean. i am sure she would want to be here. no mother would want to miss their daughters baby shower"

widening her eyes flow almost wanted to laugh, but decided not to. "just invite her flow" cameron told flow knowing his mother would not let up about that. knowing that she would try to get her oprah on and delve into flow's relationship with her mother and he knew how flow was uncomfortable with the subject of her mother.

"i'll see" flow told angie.

"okay. should we send one to your father ? " she asked flow.

"HA" cameron burst out laughing as he put a carrot in his mouth. "ma' that man don't want to be no where near here. at least not if i have anything to do with it" cameron told her remembering the look that winston gave him in walmart.

"no , that is okay. just one to his girlfriend would be fine" flow told her.

"okay. well i'm going to go call carly now to reserve the hall"

"PORTER HALL ?" everyone spoke

"yes." angie smiled

"thought we said this was going to be a small thing ?" cameron asked.

"no you two said it would be. i didn't agree." she told them getting up from the table going to finish planning the biggest baby shower their town had witnessed.

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