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i just really like pickle and peanut butter for some reason. i know it sounds disgusting , but it is so good" flow gushed to angie as they were on their way to the supermarket after spending the whole day shopping and running errands with each other.

"you think that is bad. i had to have cheese on everything with both carly and cameron. wait no i am lying with cameron i had to have something cheesy along with sweet. so if i ate some cheetos i would immediately have to eat a candy bar. i had so many wrappers by my bed side all in my draw and purse, my cravings were bad, i gained a lot of weight" angie laughed reminiscing her days of pregnancy.

"ugh, i just don't want to get any bigger than i am now. i thank GOD so much that i haven't gain that much to where it is going to be hell to lose"

"yeah count your blessings" angie told flow as they came into the parking lot of the supermarket to pick up grocery

"this kind ?" angie asked flow holding some sour cream to flow to see if she had picked up the correct one. "yeah" flow nodded her head as she browsed the produce section for the rest of the ingredients she would need to cook dinner.

stepping in stride with angie flow placed all the things she had in her hand.

reaching for her cell phone when it rung, flow answered cameron's call.

"where you at ?" cameron asked her.

"with your mom at the grocery store getting groceries" flow answered him.

"oh yaull got my cereal right ?"

"yes cameron. we do"

"oh cause yaull be slacking on the grocery list."

"what did you really call for ? shouldn't you be planting something ?" flow asked him as he should have been working

"man, it is too hot outside to be planting anything. i am about to wait till' the sun go down"

"where is your dad ?" flow asked wondering if james knew he was on his phone. knew he was slacking

"out in the front. anyways how about you bring me something to eat?"

"how am i going to do that , your all the way out in easton. that is far" flow told him.

"so ? take the turnpike you'll get here by the time i get break"

"why you can't go get your own lunch ?" flow asked him.

"because i want you to bring it"

"i am not driving all the way out there to bring you lunch" flow told him.

"why not ?" he asked

"it is too far"

"no it isn't. i am hungry like fuck and i want me a mamita fajita i don't feel for anything else"

"well too bad your going to have to find something else to eat. i am not driving all the way out there."

"ugh, you suck!" cameron grunted

"i guess"

"okay since you not bringing me lunch. how about you send me a picture ?" he asked.

"of what ?" she questioned

"your big toe" cameron answered sarcastically "what you think ?"

"i don't know what your talking about" flow played dumb

"quit playing dumb. i know you saw that text i sent you."

"i am not sending you a picture of my ass cameron"

"come on flow. i need something to cheer me up. you know how tiring and boring it is to be out in the hot ass sun planting trees ? i planted so much and i still ain't done. i feel so hopeless. give me some hope "

"cameron, goodbye" flow told him.

"at least give me a titty shot" he begged her.

"bye" flow told him

going to go protest cameron didn't bother. "send me the picture. i got go my dad is -" hanging up on flow cameron had no choice because he knew james would take away his cell phone and make him sweep up leaves if he saw him talking on it.

"your son is a trip" flow told angie putting her cell phone in her back pocket.

"who you telling ?" angie asked as they headed onto the ethnic aisle.

"james shoulda caught him on the phone." flow laughed

"right. make him sweep up leaves" angie cosigned laughing as she imagined the look on cameron's face while he swept up leaves which he hated.

"fo'real. i don't know why he just doesn't just do what he is supposed to do. he act like it isn't work, like he isn't getting paid to do his job" flow shook her head as she browsed for some foska oats.

going to go pick up a can of coconut milk flow went to ask the person whose back was turn to her to excuse his cart kindly.

feeling a warm feeling wash over her when she realized it was her dad as he was describing a can seasoning he couldn't recall the name of flow knew exactly what he was talking about.

grabbing it from off the shelf right beside her because the clerk had no clue flow tapped him.

"it is this one. the ochie brand" she told him answering his question.

looking up at flow winston was surprised to see her.

standing there looking at one another for a moment neither said anything.

pushing the seasoning towards him flow gave it to him. "thanks" he told her.

"your welcome" flow told him.

waiting for him to say something, flow then grabbed the coconut milk she needed.

"well make sure you grab some idolized salt and not the regular kind. and don't forget to grab a case of water" she told her dad knowing he forgot things like that.

smiling at him she stepped aside to where angie was waiting.

"who was that ?" angie asked him.

"my father " flow answered her.

turning to winston as they headed up to the aisle angie could see him staring at her and flow.

"he didn't have anything to say ?" angie asked flow.

"no. in his mind i don't exist" flow hunched her shoulders knowing she was dead to her father

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