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"no what upset me is that you lied about the whole situation" cameron told drew as they had been engrossed in a argument for the past half hour.

"i did not lie. i never once said that you beat me" she told him

"but your ass sure as hell implied that i did or rather made it look as if i did. but you know what lets get off that because you and i both know what happened in that room that night and that your a fucking liar. so it ain't no need to stress that shit. what i am really here to say is that i take full responsibility for the shit i did in the relationship with you and i" cameron begun just wanting to end the conversation with her because the quicker he said what he needed to say then the better for both of them.

"i should have never fucked you or rather after the first time that i did i should have left the situation alone like we initially had agreed. i didn't mean to lead you on the way that i did, that is my fault " he told drew pressing his hand against his chest. " i crossed a line that should not have been. also i am sorry for cheating on you when we actually got in a relationship. that was fucked up regardless of the situation and that is my bad." he told her "i take full responsibility for all the shit that i did and put you through."

"now you can choose to accept my apology and move the fuck on or you can hold on and be bitter. but either way this shit between you and i have got to end. i am not going to go toe to toe with you anymore. i am off that" cameron told her

"as for this whole baby situation i want you to know that if it is mine i fully intend to take are of it cause i am not a dead beat father. i will take responsibility for the baby. but that is all i will be taking responsibility for, my kid. i will also be civil with you regardless . i won't go around cursing your ass out or nothing like that. as a matter a fact i am letting you know now if you want to be a bitch about shit then just know you and i don't have to deal. we don't have to say two words to each other as long as you allow me to be a part of my kids life. as for me being a part of the kid's life that means that arie and flow definitely are going to be. because ain't no fucking way you gon' have some ridiculous ass rules for me like he/she can't be around my daughter or my wife. it just ain't gon' happen" he told her shaking his in a no manner.

"well aren't you going to say something ?" he asked her after she fell silent.

"what am i to say ?" drew asked uncrossing her arms

"uhh cameron i understand. i do or do not accept your apology"

scoffing at him drew shook her head "you call what you just gave me an apology ?" drew questioned

"i believe it was"

"no cameron that was not an apology" she told him "an apology would have been i am sorry for hurting you drew and that would be the end of it. instead your telling me that you regretted fucking with me and shit. telling me how things are going to be "

"but it is how things are going to be. what you want me to sit here and tell you all that you want to hear ? want me to sit here and be like oh drew lets let the past be behind us and raise this baby. be all go lucky and shit ?" cameron questioned her "hell naw it ain't gon' be like that. our relationship is too damaged to fix. and whether or not you like what is coming out of my mouth it is how the fuck i feel and i am not sugar coating shit for you. i should have not slept with you plain and simple because it had serious repercussions on both our ends. but i can't change that situation cause' i did it. as for the baby i can't be all accepting of that because i do not know if it is mines. you were sleeping around just like i was and don't try to deny that shit cause' you and i both know that is a fact. another fact also is that your ass lie a lot. like your a fucking liar. that is one of your short comings"

"really cameron ?" drew questioned him

"yes drew, your really a liar" cameron nodded his head.

shaking her own drew just raised her hands up in the air.

"you know what cameron this conversation is over. you have said all that you needed to. it is time for you to go" she told him

"will do" cameron told her now content as he had said all he needed to say and made it clear as so there was no confusion between him and her.

dragging the door close behind him cameron could hear beginning to go off on him, but he couldn't say he felt bad because the situation was what it was. furthermore, he wouldn't let anything come between him and flow even if it meant hurting someone else's feelings

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